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rosco 357

rosco 357
Bill O'Reilly Pens Love Letter to Obama in Parade Magazine
Posted: 08/6/09|htmlws-main|dl1|link1|

Fox News commentator and human lightning rod Bill O'Reilly is considered one of the most polarizing and partisan talk-festers on TV – or at least that's been his reputation until now. All that may change on Sunday, when the combative conservative's Parade magazine piece carried in newspapers coast to coast hits front lawns and porches all over America.

Titled "What President Obama Can Teach America's Kids," O'Reilly prefaces his essay with an assertion that few reputable sociologists would quarrel with – that "the disruption of the American family" is adversely affecting millions of the nation's young people. "Our modern age presents vast challenges to children, and they need to learn lessons quickly in order to prosper," O'Reilly adds. "And who better to teach them than the President of the United States?"
O'Reilly takes note of Obama's own "tough" childhood, one characterized by a nomadic single parent and bouts of loneliness. He avers that Obama's ability to turn these constraints into a life of singular achievement provides a wonderful lesson for all of America's young people.
"His achievement presents five important lessons for all children," Reilly states. The five traits identified by O'Reilly – traits embodied in Obama's life story – are the following:
Hard work
The idea that in America, anything is possible.
The last lesson is especially applicable. Indeed, the list of examples proving that "anything is possible" in this country might include a certain essay published on Aug. 9, 2009. That will go down as the date when Bill O'Reilly put down his boxing gloves, disarmed his critics, lauded a liberal Democratic president, and did Fox News proud in the process. And it wasn't even Father's Day.


well what do ya know,that means everyone can change~ Good for him~(O'rielly) good write up..

rosco 357

rosco 357
gypsy wrote:well what do ya know,that means everyone can change~ Good for him~(O'rielly) good write up..

well i watched oreilly alot before i changed shifts, he never was hard core, he had guest from both sides, he only did not let them spin things, as he called the no spin zone,always gave someone the last word, if something made since no matter who or what it was from he gave credit, i have always liked him, he is not the run then in the ground type, and his show last i saw and posted has the largest audience of any tv show of that type on any news channel, he sell many things oreilly on his web sight but it all goes to charity,


I will take another look at him, it just seems he keeps changing formats~ lol!

rosco 357

rosco 357
gypsy wrote:I will take another look at him, it just seems he keeps changing formats~ lol!

not sure what u mean, he on one nite a week i think even has the same ppl and does a contest as to questions contest, between a guy and a gal, that are on fox, its light hearted, if he feels strong about something he will let u know, but he seems fair to his guest, as i have said hannity is a good person i feel but i dont like how he runs his show, he does not let his guest talk much he interrupts especially if they start to make sence, lol,


I mean he doesn't stick with one thing, he keeps changing his structural belief/thinking ~

rosco 357

rosco 357
well he has different things on his show and he answers his emails and calls then pin heads or patriots, ,, but he is the big dog on fox . he is doing something correct... as u know Limbaugh on the radio went deaf, well GOD did that to him for hurting so many ppl ,, TEASING ..:LOL,.,, actually i listened to him way back before clinton, all he had then was to attack the environmentalist or the feminist. but then along came clinton , i still say he voted for clinton, he made so much money off that man in his books and his show,
he sky rocketed, when he had clinton to attack the others got a break, lol.


My opinion Limbaugh is one sicko,human..he is not worthy Bill O'Reilly Pens Love Letter to Obama in Parade Magazine 7747

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