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cPublished August 16, 2012
The Daily Caller

The Huffington Post has issued an apology for reporting that Fox News Channel had apparently aired doctored footage of Mitt Romney introducing his running mate, Paul Ryan.

The assertion revolved around Romney’s introduction of Ryan as his running mate on Saturday morning, when Romney on one occasion accidentally called Ryan “the next president of the United States.”

Footage that Fox News later aired showed Romney correctly introducing Ryan as “the next vice president of the United States,” leading HuffPo to report that Fox “appears to” have doctored the footage to erase Romney’s mistake.

In reality, Romney introduced Ryan correctly several times as a candidate for “vice president,” and that is where Fox pulled the clip in question from.

The original HuffPo piece credited “a reader” with the now-debunked news tip. “A reader points The Huffington Post to footage from 12:33 ET on Fox News that appears to have been doctored,” read the original story.

HuffPo has since taken down the report and issued an apology for the mistake:

A HuffPost story about Mitt Romney making a mistake during a speech incorrectly indicated that Fox News had edited the video clip to correct Romney calling Paul Ryan the “next President of the United States.” Fox News actually aired footage of another part of Romney’s speech in which he did say “Vice President.” We regret the error, have removed the story, and apologize for the mistake.

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haha it was live on tv where Romney introduced ryan as next president,then made the comment everyone is entitled to a mistake >> like that was his first!! Huffington Post apologizes after accusing Fox News of doctoring Romney speech 729264


We all know that Gyp already, kinda like Biden refering to putting people in chains again and it was a black crowd. To error is human.



video of the *ACTUAL SPEECH*

haha and most smart people knew what Biden meant, that we the people do not need to go back to bush policies that would be putting we the people in chains, also the policies of the republican party are doing just that, by attacking women,blacks and Hispanics.. an scaring up this voter fraud crap.


Good attempt but not selling , can't blame Bush for slavery, but in your mind you would like to and I bet you will try to blame him for TS Isaac to if you get the chance, or maybe even if it doesn't rain up your way. Nice to have a scapegoat to blame things on instead of facing reality. You are way to obsessed with all this political crap, get a life , paint a picture or talk to your fish, how you feel really doesn;t matter to the big guns anyway, so relax, take a chill pill.


haha no I leave that up to the republican party,rush pat Buchanan and fox to make those idiotic claims..and with bush his policies brought us this mess. I sure don't want to go back to those same policies..your the one obsessed, with more than politics.. you have not a clue of my mind!

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