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1Presidental Debate Empty Presidental Debate Wed Oct 17, 2012 9:05 pm


If that wasn't a one sided bias mess last night . Are the Dems so desperate to stack the audience and have a mediator who not only was rude but agreed with Obama on a point that was incorrect. It certainly was interesting to find out that Obama also has financial interests in China. Poor Hillary got rolled under the bus on Libya and then Obama lies and gets caught. I am appalled by Obama's blatant lying, what a sad little miserable man he is.

2Presidental Debate Empty Re: Presidental Debate Wed Oct 17, 2012 10:10 pm


I watched most of it last night and to me it seemed like Romney won the debate, although it was pretty even. I was impressed with what Romney said and he seemed to counter Obama quite nicely. It didn't appear to me at the time that the mediator was favoring Obama but I didn't see all of it. I thought Romney did real good, and Obama seemed to be struggling.

3Presidental Debate Empty Re: Presidental Debate Thu Oct 18, 2012 8:08 am


The moderator agreed with Obama on his rose garden press interview that he referred to the attack in Libya as a terrorist attack when in fact it was 14 days until he admitted it was terrorists. She cut Romney off when he tried to clarify the statement, fact check and a rerun of the Obama press release shows Obama was not referring to Libya but to 9-11 New York. She interrupted Romney 28 times and Obama 9 times and gave Obama 3 min. longer in talking time.

4Presidental Debate Empty Re: Presidental Debate Thu Oct 18, 2012 5:01 pm


Some people would twist anything to make Romney look good. And the third comment below is incorrect - he did call it a terror attack the next day, not 14 days later. It wouldn't have mattered to these type people what was said at the debate; they had their minds made up going in. On the fact checks, Romney blatantly lied. His comment about he went out to find women for his cabinet, and compiled "binders full of women"? Didn't happen. A consortium of 40 women's groups got together because they were unhappy with the fact there were no women at that level of government in Mass. They approached him with the attitude of, "Why won't you hire any women? Here are their resumes and qualifications. (in binders - that's where his comment came from) You don't have any excuse not to hire them." In other words, they approached him - he never sought them out. He's very sexist...he thinks letting women have a schedule so they can "get home to cook dinner" is what women want in job equality. Does he let his male employees off so they can get home to cook dinner? No. Does he realize this is the 20th century? And the gun control remark: to get women to marry, bring them into the American way of life. He does realize there are single dads, right? But of course the onus is put on the women - it's their fault. They are the ones that need to get married. If he'd done his research (which he obviously doesn't do), the majority of single moms are single not by choice, but because dad skeedadles or refuses to marry. Why didn't he say, instead of getting the women to marry, get guys to be responsible and marry? Because that would be putting the onus on men, which he has a problem with. And he obviously didn't see the irony of talking about how getting the mom to marry gives kids more opportunity to be something - in front of a guy who was raised by a single mom! Here's some other guys who were, at some point in their childhoods, raised by single moms: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Monroe, Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Johnson, Rutherford B. Hayes, James Garfield, Grover Cleveland, Calvin Coolidge, Herbert Hoover, Gerald Ford, and of course Bill Clinton! Instead of worrying whether moms are married (which there is NO correlation with gun violence), how about outlawing the damn AK-47's? Which neither he nor Obama will touch - the NRA is way too powerful, and neither candidate will step on their toes. Romney's so stupid and out of touch, he actually said they are outlawed in the debate. Surprise, dumbass! They're not!

5Presidental Debate Empty Re: Presidental Debate Thu Oct 18, 2012 5:58 pm


Of course a Dem will defend the term 'binders ' the liberal media jumped on it quick, a binder is referred to as a notebook. It is ok for companies to have daycare , but to suggest giving a woman an opportunity to leave early ...ohhhhhh the shame of it. Where was Obama on the Libya question ? Hiding behind Candy who gave an incorrect answer. Obama did not make reference to Libya as an act of terror, Rice made 5 days of talk shows with the lame excuse it was because of the movie and Biden didn't know anything had happened his words were 'WE'. Why worry about the NRA when the Dems are kissing millions of Hispanics asses. After 4 years and this country is still in free fall this administration has got to go. We can't afford another 6 trillion and he is basing his savings on what would be saved from not being at war ?? I guess when they send troops to Syria that will be another Chinese check because he has broke us. Obama was not from a single mother long she remarried and many single mothers and fathers are able to work and maintain, maybe if the laws were changed on sterilization, like a woman has to be 24 and have 3 kids to get her tubes tied using a gov. program, a woman wanting only one child is denied. There is nothing wrong with being a single parent but it takes two to tango, and the laws on child support are a joke. Most offenders cannot be picked up unless they commit another crime, just being thousands behind in support doesn't warrant being arrested. In four years why are things like this still being allowed. But my all time favorite is reducing the debt in half his first four years,or creating millions of jobs. Any jobs that were created as many were lost. The man is a failure and is now holding his breath till election day more info on Libya doesn't come on out, remember his statement the buck stops with him, he is accountable, this is his sandbox and he is scrambling fast to cover his shit.

6Presidental Debate Empty Re: Presidental Debate Sat Oct 20, 2012 12:18 am



yes Alma I am back!! I totally agree with your presented a good belief for most smart Americans..

yes alma

7Presidental Debate Empty Re: Presidental Debate Sat Oct 20, 2012 1:36 am


almajean wrote:Some people would twist anything to make Romney look good. And the third comment below is incorrect - he did call it a terror attack the next day, not 14 days later. It wouldn't have mattered to these type people what was said at the debate; they had their minds made up going in. On the fact checks, Romney blatantly lied. His comment about he went out to find women for his cabinet, and compiled "binders full of women"? Didn't happen. A consortium of 40 women's groups got together because they were unhappy with the fact there were no women at that level of government in Mass. They approached him with the attitude of, "Why won't you hire any women? Here are their resumes and qualifications. (in binders - that's where his comment came from) You don't have any excuse not to hire them." In other words, they approached him - he never sought them out. He's very sexist...he thinks letting women have a schedule so they can "get home to cook dinner" is what women want in job equality. Does he let his male employees off so they can get home to cook dinner? No. Does he realize this is the 20th century? And the gun control remark: to get women to marry, bring them into the American way of life. He does realize there are single dads, right? But of course the onus is put on the women - it's their fault. They are the ones that need to get married. If he'd done his research (which he obviously doesn't do), the majority of single moms are single not by choice, but because dad skeedadles or refuses to marry. Why didn't he say, instead of getting the women to marry, get guys to be responsible and marry? Because that would be putting the onus on men, which he has a problem with. And he obviously didn't see the irony of talking about how getting the mom to marry gives kids more opportunity to be something - in front of a guy who was raised by a single mom! Here's some other guys who were, at some point in their childhoods, raised by single moms: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Monroe, Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Johnson, Rutherford B. Hayes, James Garfield, Grover Cleveland, Calvin Coolidge, Herbert Hoover, Gerald Ford, and of course Bill Clinton! Instead of worrying whether moms are married (which there is NO correlation with gun violence), how about outlawing the damn AK-47's? Which neither he nor Obama will touch - the NRA is way too powerful, and neither candidate will step on their toes. Romney's so stupid and out of touch, he actually said they are outlawed in the debate. Surprise, dumbass! They're not!
I agree Alma the stupids are the republicans..

8Presidental Debate Empty Re: Presidental Debate Sat Oct 20, 2012 12:39 pm


Welcome back Gyp and please watch the back to back posts, nothing has changed

9Presidental Debate Empty Re: Presidental Debate Sat Oct 20, 2012 1:13 pm


If she double posts again please give her another warning SSC, thank you.

10Presidental Debate Empty Re: Presidental Debate Sat Oct 20, 2012 1:52 pm


Sure thing Tyler

11Presidental Debate Empty Re: Presidental Debate Tue Oct 23, 2012 12:12 pm


Well, for better or worse, I'M BACK!

Thanks, Tyler

12Presidental Debate Empty Re: Presidental Debate Tue Oct 23, 2012 12:17 pm


Hey Moon great to see you, welcome back man!

13Presidental Debate Empty Re: Presidental Debate Tue Oct 23, 2012 12:18 pm


Woohoooooo my buddy is back !!!! I missed you Moon !! Presidental Debate 634106

14Presidental Debate Empty Re: Presidental Debate Tue Oct 23, 2012 4:04 pm


meemoon wrote:Well, for better or worse, I'M BACK!

Thanks, Tyler
So watcha been up to Moon? You been doing alright? I'm about the same, although I can say my hips are greatly improving, I walk around normally now but I have to sit down after awhile they get a little weak, but stronger each month. But I think I can give the credit to the fact I stopped excessively drinking years ago, and my hip joints are now regenerating ever so slowly what I lost while drinking. Its a very slow process but I'll be damn if its not getting better. I used to use a crutch, but not anymore. I still have an occasional beer or two but thats it. Two beers is my limit. I wish like hell I could drink more but number one I can't afford it anymore, and number 2 I don't want to go back to the way I was. I'm improving each year and I want to keep going in that direction. But damnit too hell I miss getting drunk.

15Presidental Debate Empty Here ah is aggin Thu Oct 25, 2012 12:18 pm


I've been busy:
1 Sold my house and paid off all personal debt including the car.I couldn't maintain the 1 1/2 acres.Can I post a video of my new place and my new "legs"?

16Presidental Debate Empty Re: Presidental Debate Thu Oct 25, 2012 12:25 pm


Yes sure go right ahead, post it anywhere you want, but maybe the various video section might be best. Or you can go ahead and post it both places here and there. Look forward to seeing it.

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