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rosco 357

rosco 357
MY WORDS : i cherry picked some paragraphs,the article was very long, but ofcourse it has the url, for the whole story,, i even picked a sentence as the topic, as to me it made more sence, than the original ,

By Sharon Churcher and Caroline Graham
Last updated at 1:34 AM on 10th August 2009

The story has all the ingredients of a Hollywood blockbuster. Two beautiful girls in peril, an evil North Korean dictator holding them captive and, riding to the rescue, Slick Willy himself, former President Bill Clinton.

As journalists Laura Ling and Euna Lee collapsed, sobbing tears of joy, into the arms of their relieved families after being pardoned from a sentence of 12 years’ hard labour in North Korea, their palpable relief was perhaps enhanced by the flood of lucrative film, book and interview offers that came pouring in.

The pair had been arrested on the North Korea-China border last March, accused of illegal entry and spying.

Then, last Wednesday, the silver-tongued Clinton burst back on to the global political scene by flying to the world’s most secretive state for what its regime described as ‘sincere and exhaustive discussions’ with leader Kim Jong Il.

Little over 24 hours later, the diplomatic mission apparently a huge success, Clinton was on a flight back to California with the women in tow to be greeted by the world’s media.

Kim Jong Il has ruled it with absolute authority since 1994. He was born in the Forties, but his exact birthday is asecret. He wears platform shoes and a teased hairdo and is reputed to have had a string of lovers, both male and female. His hobby is watching old Hollywood movies including Rambo, Friday The 13th and James Bond.

When the girls were taken into custody, he was preparing to test a ballistic missile capable of carrying nuclear warheads.

A US State Department source said: ‘These two naive girls became useful pawns in a much bigger chess game. The North Koreans’ idea was to put them on trial, sentence them to prison camp and offer to free them for concessions.’

In fact, their ‘ordeal’ appears to have been far from tough. According to Professor Han Park, an American academic who was visiting North Korea at the time, they were housed in a guest villa designed for foreign visitors outside the capital of Pyongyang.

Professor Park said that Korean officials laughed at any suggestion that the women were receiving harsh treatment. ‘We are not Guantanamo,’ he was told.
The women were allowed to receive daily letters from their husbands and parcels from home.

Euna is married to struggling actor Michael Saldate, who has been in such B-movie classics as Absolute Debauchery and Man, Moment, Machine. They have a five-year-old daughter, Hana.

Laura’s husband, Iain, said he sent her ‘things she loved, like dried squid and beef jerky’.

In a letter dated May 15 – read aloud at a candlelit vigil for the two women, the organisers of which included a Broadway theatre publicist – Laura related that her routine included yoga and meditation. She said: ‘I breathe deeply and think about positive things that happened in the day.’

The private jet that brought the journalists home on the ground in California this morningJet-set: The private plane paid for by billionaire businessman Steve Bing, a friend of Clinton's, which brought the journalists back to the Bob Hope Airport in California

Indeed, her worst complaint was that her rice tasted like ‘rocks’.

The Clinton confidant said: ‘The women were a prize. Most people in North Korea would be lucky to be treated the way those girls were.’

For Bill Clinton, it was an easy mission. In a phone call to her husband a month ago, Laura said that if Clinton turned up, she and Euna would be granted amnesty.

The Clinton insider said: ‘Obama’s people suggested sending Al Gore, but Kim Jong Il only wanted Bill.

He idolises the former President because he thinks he is a virile stud with influence in Hollywood.’

Just as Laura fretted she was being overshadowed by her sister Lisa, Bill Clinton has found it increasingly hard to reconcile himself to life on the sidelines. When asked to undertake a ‘sensitive’ mission to ‘rescue’ the pair, he jumped at the chance.

He was picked up at an airport near his home in the bucolic New York suburb of Chappaqua by a private jet laid on by the Dow Chemical company. It flew him 3,000 miles to Burbank, California, where he boarded a Boeing 737 provided by Steve Bing, one of his best friends and a generous contributor to the Clinton Foundation, the charity with which he has been occupying his post-Presidential years.

On arrival in North Korea, he was chauffeured to the Presidential Palace, where he was photographed posing alongside a triumphant Kim Jong Il. According to an observer, no words were exchanged. The women walked in, weeping, as they were told that they were being released.

The Clinton confidant said: ‘This wasn’t about the women – this was about a PR coup.

Barack Obama may have defeated Bill’s wife but this is the Clintons’ revenge. The North Koreans are talking about nuclear disarmament but they say they will talk only to Bill. It’s a win-win situation for everyone except Obama.

Two greenhorn journalists stand to make a financial killing. And Bill is on a roll now that everybody has bought into the official story.


Political bullshit is reeking from Clintons little mercy mission.


Many nations respect Clinton..

is about sexual .most presidents had mistresses/it all goes back to Abe even, right//no//So what? Bill Clinton gets things done..
another witch hunt by the republicans
they harmed their party then an they are still doing it.
I would love to see again a good republican
oh well ! dems have their problems to, every time I view Boehnaer,(ms) an sessions I laugh


To have a mistress while holding the highest office in the US is damn pathetic...A disgrace to the office and to all who put them there. There is nothing right about a situation like that and no excuse for that type of behaviour. Not what I would call a roll model by any means .


I agree,on not right., I was just stating Bill was not the only president having a mistress very few presidents didn't,even Ike did, Kennedy had seven I think ,washington did an Abe..




I don't know how much "roll modeling" comes into play with being the pres, how much value it really serves, especially concerning sexual issues. Yes Bill's did kill time that could have been spent on other things, but the idea of a "roll model" image hurting things I don't quite fully understand the value in that argument. Does anyone care that much really about Clinton's sexual affairs or are they mostly looking at the job he does, and not the one he was getting?..LOL

I don't particularly care if Clinton was doing Bill O'Reilly in the arse, as long as he is still doing his presidential job and't resist that one... this is the Clintons’ revenge. The North Koreans are talking about nuclear disarmament but they say they will talk only to Bill. It’s a win-win situation for everyone except Obama. 440643

rosco 357

rosco 357
i dont know if anyone read the whole article and i may misquote it some, but i think it was an obama person that said the girls probably were safer in korea than on the plane with clinton,LMAO i would need to reread to be sure who said it , but i think its correct, and obviously is a bit of jealosy from the obama camp, as kim said they will only deal with nuclear disarmament with bill and no one else. like i said i picked that sentence as the topic. it has to be sort of a blow to obamas administration, but his hollywood view of bill clinton also shows kims rather
crazy personality,


I really don't think Obama thinks that way,Jealous an such.
He acts like nothing bothers him like that,I believe also I read that they oked it with Obama first~before Clinton accepted.
I also agree that personal affairs if it doesn't hurt the job a president is doing then that is his/hers affair not ours.
I judge a president on the job they do.not their personal life that is Gods job,not mine..
I think what Bill did was a set up by Lewinsky,and the republicans, where he was dumb is lying about it..

rosco 357

rosco 357
i find it almost funny to see the fighting in washington, as i love to listen to the tapes of convos in the white house of Lyndon Johnson . he was so colorful in the way he spoke plane and a dont give a shit approch to what he said, i find his talks that i have heard refreshing, i like a guy that says screw u, i will speak as i please, vote for me or not..

rosco 357

rosco 357
gypsy wrote:I think what Bill did was a set up by Lewinsky,and the republicans, where he was dumb is lying about it..

that is one silly statement, bill had too much history in these affairs going back to arkansas to not believe it was his own over active sex drive to blame it on anyone else. i agree about the lying about it,


I agree on my statement, being silly but it all boils down to the girl was willing,an of consenting age,an she did make a name for herself~ lol but the Republicans made a big deal out of it,my point is What president didn't have girlfriends on the side~


And you uphold the infidelity, you approve of cheating , disgracing a nation because the President can't keep his pants zipped up. Then of course you blame the republicans , of course they set Clinton up, arranged the whole thing , even bought his cigars for his little tryst with Monica..Christ almighty I know surely you are not that naive. Is this the moral behaviour you would impress upon your grandchildren ? The President is suppost to be the pillar of society, influencing childrens lives , giving them hope that anything is possible in life, not teaching them it is ok to lie and cheat on their wife. Where are your moral values ??


SSC Whateva! I don't concern myself with it, I don't judge anyone. they are responsible for their own deeds, I think he was a damn good President, God forgives him an Hilary did,that is all that matters~


I think people in history have always perceived the presidents job responsibilities as something more than what is really necessary or required, they think the president has to reflect some kind of "God like" image, when in fact it makes no difference to our military's effectiveness or even the nations security or anything else. Why the "fan fair" analogy and responsibility to a job they hired on to do.

The military, for example, follows orders from their commanding officers, and they do their jobs. They don't need to know Clinton or Obama are great guys that would never cheat on their wives, or if they smoked pot before or not, or who got a blow job, they couldn't give a rats ass when in battle, they are fighting for their lives thinking about each other, protecting each other, helping each other, trying to defeat the opposition, its irrelevant if Bill got a BJ or not, and doesn't help them in their duties one bit or their moral.. That knowledge won't save their lives and won't protect them in battle and they could care less at that moment. They are trained to follow orders from their immediate commanding officers, the ones they talk with and see everyday. Its a job.

Where is it written that a president needs to be a pillar of society? Influencing childrens lives? How is that relevant to his job duties? Where is it written that a president needs to have moral behavior that is prescribed by someone elses values (i.e. Christians, and others). They get elected and that's it. It a popularity contest. No rules.

Disgracing a nation? I think not. Cheating on your wife is not reflective of a nation or the behavior patterns of the majority of its population,, no one believes that, everyone knows it happens in every country, only the person involved is responsible and held accountable. My point is, Bill Clinton stands on his own and did not disgrace anyone but himself.

Just my opinion. I respect your opinion too, you know that.


Isn't it unique that we each can express our beliefs , and moral values. I respect your opinion and appreciate that you respect mine. It is quite obvious we believe alot different . But that is what makes the world go round. It would be very boring if we all thought alike.


Hear, hear!,..well said.

I agree, and its what makes a forums discussions interesting at times. We can agree to disagree and not get offensive about it. You and I have never been disrespectful to each other, always polite to one-another, I'm glad about that. We do have a lot in common I think for that to happen, same respect values for each other, we disagree on some issues, but that's ok.

Good post SSC.


I agree Tyler, I respect all post even though I disagree with some.I have always said this,getting heated and name calling doesn't make one more right, again to agree to disagree respectfully, is good.. I support that thought/deed..

rosco 357

rosco 357
yall know yall all have stolen my material on this ,,lmao its plagiarism plain and simply, lol, take care work time

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