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1National Lampoon Encyclopedia Of Humor Empty National Lampoon Encyclopedia Of Humor Tue Aug 18, 2009 4:52 pm


(I have always depended on this tome for exact and concise definitions of people, places,and things hitherto missing from public discourse.) AVIONON: French aircraft designed by noted Belgian aeronautical engineer, Herms Herme' in 1924, significant for not having engines or motive power of any kind, following Herve's personal allegience to the obscure philosophy of "Closoirisme" (Uselessness-ism) in which Closoiristees practiced the belief that everything was impossible. Thus, the AVIONON, a 435 feet long "aero-plane" constructed of concrete. Herme' was killed in 1927 when he refused to get out of the path of a speeding bread truck.

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