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1White House Empty White House Fri Oct 02, 2009 1:04 am


White House to Fox News: You lie!
Blog posts take aim at cable channel's conservative commentary

Fox News Channel commentator Glenn Beck is the target of a White House blog post.
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updated 3:59 p.m. PT, Thurs., Oct . 1, 2009

WASHINGTON - Harry S. Truman banned reporters he disliked from his presidential yacht. Franklin Roosevelt placed his journalistic critics out of earshot at the back of the room during presidential press conferences.

No such subtleties in Barack Obama's White House. A White House blog posting this week dismissed assertions on the Fox News Channel bluntly: "Lies." And don't expect an apology to network owner Rupert Murdoch.

The White House's target was Glenn Beck, the conservative Fox News commentator who regularly pokes the White House with provocative commentary. But the cable network and the White House don't just part ways over Beck. That the White House regards Fox News with suspicion and even disdain is an understatement. And Fox News' Chris Wallace recently called the White House "the biggest bunch of crybabies" after Obama gave all major networks except Fox News interviews for their Sunday talk shows.

It's a combustible relationship that illustrates the partisan heat generated on cable television and the political need to stay abreast of viral information spreading at lightning speed. The aggressive White House response also brushes up against Obama's promise of reaching for a new civility in politics.

Reality check
A Wednesday post on the White House blog by Jesse Lee, the White House's online programs director, challenged Beck's critique of Obama's Olympics-seeking trip to Copenhagen under the headline: "Reality Check: Trying to Turn a Point of Pride into a Moment of Shame."

It mentioned Beck's mistaken reference to losses Vancouver sustained hosting the Olympics. Vancouver won't host the Olympics until 2010, and Beck meant to say the Calgary Olympics. But the blog entry did not address the underlying point — that the Olympics can be an economic drain on host cities.

The blog also rebutted a suggestion by a Beck guest that Obama confidante Valerie Jarrett had participated in a controversial August phone call that attempted to recruit artists to create works that promoted President Barack Obama's policies. The White House noted that Jarrett did not participate in the call. It did not point out that one of her aides did.

At the end of his post, Lee supplied a link to PolitiFact, a Pulitzer Prize-winning Web site that debunked claims that White House political director Patrick Gaspard had ties to ACORN, the community organizing group now under government scrutiny.

"For even more Fox lies," the blog stated, "check out the latest 'Truth-O-Meter' feature from PolitiFact that debunks a false claim about a White House staffer that continues to be repeated by Glenn Beck and others on the network."

A Fox representative referred The Associated Press to comments Beck made on his Wednesday and Thursday shows. On Wednesday, Beck kept up his criticism of Jarrett, though he did not repeat the claims denied by the White House. On Thursday, he conceded his mistake on Vancouver's Olympics. He then enumerated the financial challenges that city faces preparing for the games.

'Every falsehood must be met head-on'
The White House is aware that news organizations are paying closer attention to Fox and Beck after the network and the talk show host have driven the news on legitimate stories, such as former Obama administration official Van Jones and the scandal surrounding ACORN.

Obama aides say the sharp tone in the blog is simply a continuation of White House efforts to respond quickly and bluntly to unfounded claims about the president's health care plan. They note that Obama has often said that quieting the partisan combat in Washington did not mean he would turn the other cheek.

"The president said in his speech to Congress that he would call out those that misrepresented his record and that includes ideological news outlets like Fox News and its various commentators," said Dan Pfeiffer, the White House's deputy communications director.

"In this day and age," Pfeiffer added, "every falsehood must be met head-on no matter how absurd the charge or discredited the source."

War of words
To be sure, presidents have had tense relations with the press since the founding of the republic. Truman made no secret of his contempt for the Chicago Tribune. Then there was Richard Nixon, who took his disregard for the press to unmatched levels by including journalists on his "enemies list."

But calling a news network'' assertions "lies" is unusually confrontational — and calculated.

"The degree of toughness — calling something a lie — is an interesting one," said Stephen Hess, a senior fellow emeritus at the Brookings Institution who has been a consultant, adviser and speechwriter to presidents dating back to Dwight D. Eisenhower. "At times a president loses his cool, but most often than not they regret that."

Tad Devine, a Democratic strategist who has worked on several presidential campaigns, noted that the Internet is a more freewheeling medium that encourages coarser, blunter repartee. But he said tactics typically used in a political campaign are best dialed back once a candidate is in office.

"When you're in government as opposed to a campaign, it is a different perch and you have to be careful about what you say when you're in an official capacity," Devine said.

Pfeiffer cautioned not to read too much into the use of the word "lies," but did not back down from its meaning.

"We will use it when there's a willfully dishonest statement," he said. "I don't think there's any question that what was being referred to there was an accurate use of the word."

2White House Empty Re: White House Fri Oct 02, 2009 9:04 pm


White House 592180 How funny the White House has to have a blog to respond , are they that nutless they can't come on one of their networks that are in their back pocket....priceless and soooooooooo typical of this administration...Kudos to FOX..they have the WH on the run again.

3White House Empty Re: White House Fri Oct 02, 2009 9:54 pm


I like they are fighting back against Fox Lies// Kudos to the white House!!

4White House Empty Re: White House Fri Oct 02, 2009 10:30 pm


How strange the Fox lies as you call them are coming true...Jones..resigned...ACORN... under investigation...Health Care..full of hidden charges and taxes...Obama ties to ACORN..20 yr. history confirmed...political ties to corrupt dealings..under investigation...The WH is batting zero on disputing issues.
Beck did name the wrong country on Olympic debt, he has corrected it on the air already.
Your podium is missing legs to stand on.

5White House Empty Re: White House Fri Oct 02, 2009 10:51 pm



We watch FOX so you don't have to.
Glenn Beck Uses Vicks to Make Himself Cry
Reported by Alex - Fri 6:29 PM

We already know Glenn Beck is a phony who makes stuff up, laughing all the way to the bank as he cynically exploits the anxieties of ordinary Americans. We've even seen him exploit his own daughter's disability and pretend to boil a frog alive to further his agenda. And of course, there's the crying. Crooks and Liars has a video that shows us how he does it.

Reported by Ellen - Fri 3:25 PM

Channeling Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity has been on his own McCarthy-like witch hunts against the Obama administration. Hannity’s special target du jour last night (and not for the first time) was “safe schools czar,” Kevin Jennings. Hannity is not the only Fox News host targeting Jennings and Jennings is not Hannity’s only target. But like Van Jones before him, Hannity and Fox News guests and contributors have relied not on anything Jennings has done on the job but have dredged up old quotes from him and used them to taint him as unsuitable now. Not so coincidentally, they never fail to extend the taint to President Obama for hiring such a person. Joseph McCarthy would have been so proud.

6White House Empty Re: White House Sat Oct 03, 2009 8:00 am


"Beck did name the wrong country on Olympic debt, he has corrected it on the air already" /// A simple slip of the tongue. I saw this. He fired back with even worse stats for the correct city. My lord. If the WH is hanging on this kinda crapola,next they'll be correcting spelling errors. Obama will be good at that. He doesn't seem to have much else to do. Maybe he can teach Pelosi to talk and hold her mouth right at the same time. I thought Bush had speaking problems. This broad is a verbal disaster.

7White House Empty Re: White House Sat Oct 03, 2009 8:59 pm


I think it is totally hilarious the WH has nothing better to do than concern themselves with Glenn Beck, almost makes one think he is right and they are attempting ( very feebly to do damage control ) The WH is becoming Becks best advertisers, the more they try to dispute him the more people are asking why and what are they covering up. Pumping his ratings sky high..Tooooooooo funny...

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