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1# Going Rogue# Empty # Going Rogue# Sun Nov 15, 2009 9:57 pm


how many of you will read it?

The book has no index.
Killed D.C.'s favorite pastime stopping at Barns Noble /flipping through the index to see what it is about. called
death of the “Washington Read.”
Now they will have to buy the book to see! *Heaven Forbid* # Going Rogue# 440643

2# Going Rogue# Empty A Breath of Fresh Air Sun Nov 15, 2009 11:54 pm


The long anticipated release is here..Sarah Palin telling it as only she knows the story. Of course the anti-Palin bunch is attacking fast and furious so typical of the Dems ..Have they nothing better to do? This is her story about events in her life and the campaign, behind the scenes , how amazing the know-it-all's (snicker-snicker) seem to think they are more informed than the person this book was written by...

3# Going Rogue# Empty Re: # Going Rogue# Mon Nov 16, 2009 12:03 am


gypsy wrote:how many of you will read it?

The book has no index.
Killed D.C.'s favorite pastime stopping at Barns Noble /flipping through the index to see what it is about. called
death of the “Washington Read.”
Now they will have to buy the book to see! *Heaven Forbid* # Going Rogue# 440643

I know.. quoting myself, forgot to add something .
I will not spend my money on it, will wait till one of My Republican friends finishes it, if any buy it that is .. lol!

Last edited by gypsy on Mon Nov 16, 2009 12:03 am; edited 1 time in total

4# Going Rogue# Empty Re: # Going Rogue# Mon Nov 16, 2009 12:03 am

rosco 357

rosco 357
//anti-Palin bunch is attacking fast and furious///,,thats ok all that does is sell more books, what me and tyler want to know is there naked picures in the book ,, lol,

5# Going Rogue# Empty Re: # Going Rogue# Mon Nov 16, 2009 12:09 am


Shame on both of you.... # Going Rogue# 729264 Bundles of hormones...

6# Going Rogue# Empty Re: # Going Rogue# Mon Nov 16, 2009 12:13 am

rosco 357

rosco 357
SSC wrote:Shame on both of you.... # Going Rogue# 729264 Bundles of hormones...

no dont blame tyler, i just added his name without permission, but i know he thinks that, lmao,

7# Going Rogue# Empty Re: # Going Rogue# Mon Nov 16, 2009 12:14 am


no nude pics/sorry guys,maybe she will pose for playboy!! # Going Rogue# 729264

8# Going Rogue# Empty Re: # Going Rogue# Mon Nov 16, 2009 5:01 am


rosco 357 wrote://anti-Palin bunch is attacking fast and furious///,,thats ok all that does is sell more books, what me and tyler want to know is there naked picures in the book ,, lol,
Cad! Mountebank! SATAN!!! The very idea that this former Vice Presidential candidate would expose her large,full, well formed breasts and her substantial,curvy,child bearing hips is monsterous! blasphemous! UNTHINKABLE!!

9# Going Rogue# Empty Re: # Going Rogue# Mon Nov 16, 2009 10:37 am


lol! Mercy me, you guys need to get into something real,your fantasies are working over time.. Very Happy

10# Going Rogue# Empty Re: # Going Rogue# Mon Nov 16, 2009 2:19 pm


meemoon wrote:
rosco 357 wrote://anti-Palin bunch is attacking fast and furious///,,thats ok all that does is sell more books, what me and tyler want to know is there naked picures in the book ,, lol,
Cad! Mountebank! SATAN!!! The very idea that this former Vice Presidential candidate would expose her large,full, well formed breasts and her substantial,curvy,child bearing hips is monsterous! blasphemous! UNTHINKABLE!!

Funny Moon, isn't that called wishful thinking... lol!

Last edited by runawayhorses on Mon Nov 16, 2009 2:42 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : fixed quote)

11# Going Rogue# Empty Re: # Going Rogue# Mon Nov 16, 2009 2:47 pm


I'm all for it, bring on the pics. I really want to see them. What a hot chick she is. Yes I'd love to see her in playboy, that would be fantastic. That's what she really needs to do in all seriousness, people want that. They want pics of Palin. It could be a big payday for her. I'd buy a copy. Very Happy

She could retire at the Hugh Hefner Playboy Mansion. Sounds like a good life, especially if your Hugh Hefner.

12# Going Rogue# Empty Re: # Going Rogue# Mon Nov 16, 2009 2:55 pm


I agree if ya got it, flaunt it~ the book/an her politics aint got it~ lol!

13# Going Rogue# Empty Re: # Going Rogue# Mon Nov 16, 2009 6:52 pm


Tyler don't know if you saw Palin's latest poll numbers but she is smokin Obama , her numbers are climbing fast. ..You know a cool million + for her book deal isn't a bad pay check , another back fire on the Dems part, they are boosting the sales with their babbling... # Going Rogue# 729264

14# Going Rogue# Empty Re: # Going Rogue# Mon Nov 16, 2009 7:11 pm


Her publisher just announced today that he has ordered 1.5 million prints of her first book. They will sell. Look guys, this is a phenomanon only. She has potential as a media figure,but my opinion is that she can't back it up with developed credibility. Actually, I hope I'm wrong. She stands for many ideas I'm opposed to, but this radical liberalism has me gagging. She puts her state jet up for sell; Pelosi demands a bigger one. Nuff said.

15# Going Rogue# Empty Re: # Going Rogue# Mon Nov 16, 2009 11:04 pm


In an interview today Palin is saying the WH is not on her radar, BUT you can bet she is readying for something political...2012 will be the year of shattering differences.

16# Going Rogue# Empty Re: # Going Rogue# Tue Nov 17, 2009 7:32 am


SSC wrote:In an interview today Palin is saying the WH is not on her radar, BUT you can bet she is readying for something political...2012 will be the year of shattering differences.
I hope so, Mz. M. Hiding out here in the lowcountry removes me from the big picture and I'm glad of it. I cannot dislike this woman and it is VERY easy to dislike her distractors. I would just be disappointed to see her political rising be purely a media event. Lord knows I'm tired of that, but I'm also tired of the idiotic glass ceiling. Hell, they oughtta make YOU president. I'm for that. We could take a front end loader and go after the lobbyists.We could introduce them to a "swamp habitat" in which the inhabitants are more experienced and jealous of their territory. BTW, Palin is gonna be on O'Reilly thurs. I ain't gonna miss THAT.

17# Going Rogue# Empty Re: # Going Rogue# Tue Nov 17, 2009 12:47 pm


You know !I am a rogue

take them to the swamp, what is the song about tying them to a stump in the swamp, let the skeeter,snakes an such do the job~~
I think we should clean house in Washington swamp would be a good place..
a senator/representative should only be allowed to serve eight years an then, Blink they are history~~
may clean up the corruption/in Washington.
I do like Obama/but he still has a lot to prove/do to fulfill his promises..
I do dislike Sarah because mostly she is phony acting//pretty yes/ but not much facts/sense there,lots of distortions/
don't shout at me now
I also enjoy reading, the wisdom here
enough of my sentiments

have a booming day!! Everyone. it is raining here/cool
but had a glorious first half of November~


18# Going Rogue# Empty Re: # Going Rogue# Tue Nov 17, 2009 12:53 pm


No I don't want the Gators field "The Swamp" used in that fashion. I strongly object. Its the Gators Football field and should be left for that purpose only.

I like Palin, shes pretty, and after all, thats all that counts.

Her politics? Forget about that, I see a pretty girl that needs to do Playboy.

19# Going Rogue# Empty Re: # Going Rogue# Tue Nov 17, 2009 1:39 pm


SSC wrote:In an interview today Palin is saying the WH is not on her radar, BUT you can bet she is readying for something political...2012 will be the year of shattering differences.
I think she needs to do the photoshoot right now, don't wait till 2012. No, its better to do it now.. # Going Rogue# 440643

20# Going Rogue# Empty Re: # Going Rogue# Tue Nov 17, 2009 4:23 pm


meemoon wrote:
SSC wrote:In an interview today Palin is saying the WH is not on her radar, BUT you can bet she is readying for something political...2012 will be the year of shattering differences.
I hope so, Mz. M. Hiding out here in the lowcountry removes me from the big picture and I'm glad of it. I cannot dislike this woman and it is VERY easy to dislike her distractors. I would just be disappointed to see her political rising be purely a media event. Lord knows I'm tired of that, but I'm also tired of the idiotic glass ceiling. Hell, they oughtta make YOU president. I'm for that. We could take a front end loader and go after the lobbyists.We could introduce them to a "swamp habitat" in which the inhabitants are more experienced and jealous of their territory. BTW, Palin is gonna be on O'Reilly thurs. I ain't gonna miss THAT.

Moon you got the right idea Louisiana has enough swamps a swift and speedy burial and wham gater food. We'll leave Tylers gaters out of this one..Mine are plenty hungry for ripe politicans..I got the loader and trucks to load them up in and a boat to drop them off with..
Maybe we should team up in 2012 ..LOL..heck of a platform lol!

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