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1Tyler's Gourmet Popcorn Empty Tyler's Gourmet Popcorn Fri May 14, 2010 1:31 pm


First, buy some microwave popcorn, you can find it at most grocery stores. Then take a package and remove the plastic wrapper, then spread it open, you'll see how to do this on the package it has instructions, but its basically self-explanatory. Then put it in the microwave, close the door, and press the "Popcorn" button. Should take anywhere from around 3 1/2 to 4 minutes, depending on your microwave's power capacity. Then when its done cooking, carefully take the bag of popcorn out and open the bag (be careful its very hot). Then add the popcorn to a big bowl. You can also add extra butter to this recipe. Simply simmer some butter (whatever amount you think you might like) in a small pot. Once its ready (liquid form) pour is over the popcorn. Add more salt if you want as well.

Enjoy.. Tyler's Gourmet Popcorn 503179

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