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1Pants on fire,interesting Read Empty Pants on fire,interesting Read Fri Nov 25, 2011 1:31 pm


if anyone is interested>>just a few i have listed there are man

Truth-O-Meter ®

Mitt Romney

Mitt Romney
Pants on Fire!

Words taken way out of context
Says Barack Obama said, "If we keep talking about the economy, we’re going to lose."

Herman Cain
Pants on Fire!

They've had it for more than 40 years
China is "trying to develop nuclear capability."
Michele Bachmann

Michele Bachmann
Pants on Fire!

Most of that was under Bush, not Obama
"Under Barack Obama's watch, we have expended $805 billion to liberate the people of Iraq and, more importantly, 4,400 American lives."
Chain e-mail

Chain e-mail
Pants on Fire!

Nixon was, possibly with Ford's help
Barack Obama is the "First President to terminate America’s ability to put a man in space."
Chain e-mail

Chain e-mail
Pants on Fire!

Making up numbers
Medicare monthly premiums will go up to $104.20 in 2012 and $247.00 in 2014 due to "provisions incorporated in the Obamacare legislation, purposely delayed so as not to 'confuse' the 2012 re-election campaigns."
Facebook posts

Facebook posts
Pants on Fire!

Claim is based on a statistical quirk
Congressional Republicans have introduced dozens of bills on social issues and other topics, but "zero on job creation."
Fred Karger

Fred Karger
Pants on Fire!

Wrong for JFK, wrong now
"If a President Romney got a call from the president of the (Mormon church), he has no choice but to obey. It is obedience over family and country."
Jon Huntsman

Jon Huntsman
Pants on Fire!

Raising the ante on discredited figures
"The IRS is already planning on 19,500 new employees to administer" Obama’s health care mandate.
Michele Bachmann

Michele Bachmann
Pants on Fire!

Obama's lows are higher than most presidents' lows
"President Obama has the lowest public approval ratings of any president in modern times."
Rick Perry

Rick Perry
Pants on Fire!

More U.S. agents than ever patrol the border
"The federal government has not engaged in (border security) at all."
Mitt Romney

Mitt Romney
Pants on Fire!

Repeating false charge doesn't make it true
President Obama "went around the world and apologized for America."
Rick Perry

Rick Perry
Pants on Fire!

A ridiculous claim no matter who says it
"The first round of stimulus ... it created zero jobs."
Mitt Romney

Mitt Romney
Pants on Fire!

Comparing apples and oranges
The Massachusetts health care plan "dealt with 8 percent of our population," far less than the "100 percent of American people" affected by President Barack Obama’s health care law.

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