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Guess What Socialist Bernie Sanders Blames the Koch Brothers For

May 30, 2014 By TPNN Staff Writer

Harry Reid appears to have another person joining him in his Koch addiction. The Senate Majority Leader has taken to the Senate floor and the media on numerous occasions to blame the billionaire, philanthropist, Libertarian leaning brothers for everything from the House GOP budget to global warming. Reid has even gone so far as to call the brothers un-American. But, Dirty Harry is no longer alone in his Koch addiction.

Socialist Senator Bernie Sanders, who is chair of the Veterans Affairs Committee, placed the blame for the VA Scandals not on Secretary Shinseki and not on Barack Obama. No, Bernie Sanders blames the death and suffering of veterans on the Koch brothers.

Sanders: Right now, we’re dealing with the Veterans Administration. I’m Chairman of the Veterans Committee. Let me tell you some news. The Veterans Administration provides very high quality health care. Period. It’s not perfect. It is good quality health care, according to the veterans themselves, and according to a number of independent surveys that have looked at it. It’s not perfect. It runs 151 centers. Today 200,000 veterans get health care through the VA. There is right now, as we speak, a concerted effort to undermine the VA. So the point is, you have government entity itself, Social Security, enormously popular, Medicare, enormously popular, Postal Service, popular, VA popular. What are the problems? The problems are, is, that all of these are large, governmental institutions and you have folks out there now, Koch Brothers and others, who want to radically change the nature of society, and either make major cuts in all of these institutions, or maybe do away with them entirely.

Despite the fact that it has been determined that the issues at the VA are systemic and not confined to the Phoenix VA, Sanders defended the failed, single-payer, socialist based health care system that our veterans are subjected to as providing “very high quality healthcare.” Perhaps Sanders hasn’t heard that veterans died and thousands have been kept waiting for treatment, hidden on secret waiting lists that VA employees kept so that they could receive their bonus which was based on decreasing waiting times.

Sanders, an avowed Socialist and Independent who caucuses with the Democrat Party, seems to want to play politics with the lives of our veterans by using their plight to attack one of the Left’s favorite targets – the Koch Brothers. How shameful that he cares more about tarnishing the name of people who disagree with him politically than actually getting to the bottom of the rampant corruption at the VA that resulted in real deaths and real suffering.


an interesting article  I can copy the compete article. Mr. Sanders has a POINT.


noun \ˈsō-shə-ˌli-zəm\

: a way of organizing a society in which major industries are owned and controlled by the government rather than by individual people and companies
Full Definition of SOCIALISM
: any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods
a : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property
b : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state
: a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done
See socialism defined for English-language learners »
See socialism defined for kids »
Examples of SOCIALISM

She is quite right, for example, to stress that Thatcher's crusade against socialism was not merely about economic efficiency and prosperity but that above all, “it was that socialism itself—in all its incarnations, wherever and however it was applied—was morally corrupting.” —Stephen Pollard, New York Times Book Review, 18 Jan. 2009

Gyp read the true meaning of socialism, is this how you want this country run ???


so what has been running it before Obama, who you call a socialist? it is one hell of a lot better than how  republicans run our is better than the ;large companies, koch and republicans running the country, and please  stop the world and let the tparty off.

Political Ideology
Capitalism is an economic system in which trade, industry, and the means of production are controlled by private owners with the goal of making profits in a market economy. Wikipedia
Related topics
Under Marxist ideology, capitalism refers to a stage of history in which there is a class system in which the proletariat(lower class) is exploited by the bourgeoisie(wealthy,working class,middle class). Wikipedia
Explore: Marxism, Social class
Capitalism, communism, and socialism are usually called ideologies.
Explore: Communism, Ideology
. . . capitalism is a relatively new social system.For a brief historical account of how capitalism came into existence a couple of hundred years ago, see Marx and Engels' Communist Manifesto.
Explore: Karl Marx

so what about this, sounds bad to me.


I no more trust this country to be in total control of anything and dole out assets as they chose, would you want them to tell you, that you have to give half your land, savings etc to a less fortunate and that you have no control


NO! but I believe the 1% should not control America, and congress is very much in cahoots with the wealthy and big corporations,and receive many monies from them. think they should pay taxes and not put their money in off shore accounts, congress should create ,do the work appointed to them for  we the people who pay them.minimum wages should be increased immigration addressed, Veterans taken care of and benefits increased, A good strp is in the AFC that congress bitched about now is working and can be improved if Congress will do it an accept the concept, for  the people.monies should be taken out of Elections, let a man/woman run on what they stand for honesty,goodness and the Love of America,,I have said this many times!! TRICKLE DOWN WEALTH ! does not work, and that is what Republicans are still pushing that concept Republicans are big Gov't..could go on and on, but like I said need to go to the Market. I will be back( Arnold Schwarzenegger) :rotflslap: 
bet your bottom dollar Guess What Socialist Bernie Sanders Blames the Koch Brothers For 457757 .


it is not only Republicans with big money , and the thought of Dems considering a medical program for Veterans like the ACA is nothing short of a nightmare , just fix the VA hire Dr.s since there is a huge shortage of them and get this mess right, stop the delays, excuses and stuck on stupid remarks and fix it period. Accountability starting from the top and working its way down is what is needed, not lame excuses or blatant lies.


tell that to your Representative in Congress. call him,I did Kentuckys but Mitch Bitch is an SOB and a do nothing republican, I have to look up Louisiana's REpresentative in congress, see what he says? yes Accountability needs to come from Congress they are the law makers, yet they don't make any, and haven't in a very long congres blatant lies ans excuses.. or just plain don't give a dam..


Stop with the whining about congress go to where it starts Obama, hold him accountable, his famous words 'I accept responsibility' well then man up, which is something he seems to be having big problems doing.


I am not the one whining, you are. have heard it for  all the time we have been talking politics on this have never made one positive post about  our government or Democrats, after all it is your party who got us into this mess and republicans are trying their  damndest to blame Obama and Democrats guess what it ain't working their obstruction is back firing.


My dear you are the Dems champion cheerleader right or wrong it isn't in you to admit they fail and anything positive about Obama, show me something


he hasn't failed and I have put many topics here, but you don't believe because of your hate for him, name someone who could do better! DEAR Guess What Socialist Bernie Sanders Blames the Koch Brothers For 67629 


Dear, are we getting testy ?????? Avoiding questions is showing your democrate blood.


haha you never answer a question, nope no testy here, just wisdom Dearie~~  Very Happy 

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