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1Sonia Sotomayor Empty Sonia Sotomayor Mon Jun 08, 2009 11:28 am




* most recent

* Polling Sonia Sotomayor
* The “racist” label certainly isn’t sticking, but partisan feelings still run hot when voters are polled about Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor. Only 8 percent of voters agree with Rush Limbaugh and Newt Gingrich, who have said they…
* ·
* 32 minutes ago

* Judge Sonia Sotomayor: an environmental pragmatist
* President Obama’s pick for the U.S. Supreme Court, Judge Sonia Sotomayor , has been a real crowd pleaser in response to a desire for more diversity on the court panel. Although, not everyone one is thrilled with the nomination, Judge Sonia…
* San Francisco Examiner
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* 1 hour ago

* The roots of Sotomayor's ethnic chauvinism
* According to friends, Ms. Sotomayor was not active in her high school’s small Latino club. Ethnicity was not something to be ashamed of, they said, but they did not really celebrate it either. But on Princeton’s manicured campus, Ms.…
* American Thinker
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* 32 minutes ago

* Laura Bush: Sotomayor 'a good nominee'
* Former first lady Laura Bush, speaking of Sonia Sotomayor, says "I'm proud that there might be another woman on the court. I wish her well." June 8: Now that President Obama is back from Europe and the Middle East, he’s turning his…
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* 1 hour ago


* Short takes: Sonia Sotomayor
* We asked readers to respond to the following question: What's your 'take' on Sonia Sotomayer, who is President Barack Obama's pick to replace retiring Justice David Souter on the U.S. Supreme Court? Some of their responses follow: As a…
* Star News Online
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* 5 hours ago

* Sotomayor and the Politics of Race
* President Obama's nomination of Sonia Sotomayor for the Supreme Court points to a dilemma that will likely plague his presidency: How does a "post-racialist" president play identity politics? What is most notable about the Sotomayor…
* Wall Street Journal
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* 40 minutes ago

Wall Street Journal

* Roy McDonald supports Sotomayor
* ALBANY - The latest U.S. Supreme Court nominee has a local fan on the other side of the aisle. State Senator Roy McDonald, R-Saratoga, spent two years serving on the SONYMA Board of Trustees with Judge Sonia Sotomayor and remembers her as a…
* Times Union
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* 2 hours ago

* Anita Hill's thoughts on former classmate Sotomayor
* In 1991, her testimony during the confirmation of Clarence Thomas prompted a generation of women to stand up against sexual harassment. On the cusp of the Senate hearing for Sonia Sotomayor, Hill, today a professor of law at Brandeis…
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* 1 hour ago

* Smears on Sotomayor
* In a nation still wrestling with its long history of prejudice, calling someone a "racist" is one of the most incendiary things you can say. So it has been dismaying to hear prominent conservatives throw the word around so carelessly in…
* Coshocton Tribune
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* 2 hours ago

* Laura Bush sees Sotomayor as ‘good nominee’
* (ChattahBox) — Former first lady Laura Bush in an interview broadcast Monday on ABC’s “Good Morning America” says she’s pleased that President Barack Obama nominated a woman for the Supreme Court. “# I think she sounds like a winner and a good nominee," Bush said of Sonia Sotomayor, the federal appeals…
# Chicago Tribune
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# 1 hour ago

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