rosco 357

rosco 357
September 15, 2009
Categories: Bad Behavior
House guidelines for Presidential put-downs

House Rules Committee Chairwoman Louise Slaughter (D-NY) has released a helpful, updated primer for members regarding their conduct on the floor and in committees.

Especially useful: The section on how to properly insult the executive branch in the in the chamber.

"Disgrace" and "nitwits" -- okay.

"Liar" or "sexual misconduct" -- ixnay.

Under section 370 of the House Rules and Manual it has been held that a Member could:

• refer to the government as “something hated, something oppressive.”
• refer to the President as “using legislative or judicial pork.”
• refer to a Presidential message as a “disgrace to the country.”
• refer to unnamed officials as “our half-baked nitwits handling foreign affairs.”

Likewise, it has been held that a member could not:
• call the President a “liar.”
• call the President a “hypocrite.”
• describe the President’s veto of a bill as “cowardly.”
• charge that the President has been “intellectually dishonest.”
• refer to the President as “giving aid and comfort to the enemy.”
• refer to alleged “sexual misconduct on the President’s part.”


Apparantly, booing the prez during a "State of The Union" address is OK and being called a liar is OK if a congressman is calling Bush a liar and they are booing Bush. Buncha goddamn hypocrites. Wilson,being a gentleman,will not tell them all to get fucked. I certainly would. Obama WAS lying. If he wasn't,why did the Dems break speed records fixing the bill to match what Obama said in his speech? He is a liar and spouted more lying crap this morning.


AMEN Moon !!! The Dems are making themselves a laughing stock, of course everyone knows they hit panic and scrambled to correct the loophole on illegals.Obama was and is a liar. Once again his over zealous ways caused controversy.
Then along rides Johnson spewing hatred and pulling a race card. How pathetic, this is not about race this is about the truth, but the Dems have a way of trying to twist it. I don't think anyone who called Bush a liar was ever even chastised...Obviously the Dems have a whole different set of rules, you know the ones they make up as they go along.


"Obviously the Dems have a whole different set of rules..." /// You betcha. During the last admin,we read and heard every kind of ridiculous charge and slander (Bush is a deserter,Bush engineered 9/11,Bush is a war criminal) all without basis and none followed by any prosecution of anyone. After the libs got in there was much ado about all this crap but that pot sits cold and still. Let's see if the Dems can stop an investigation of clearly revealed criminal activity. Holder can be counted on not to do anything at all,but a Congressional comittee can't be ignored. Obama was DEEPLY involved in ACORN activities in Chicago;boasted of it,and will be under any shadows that develop. There are intimations of more to come (mein Gott!) so this ain't gonna go away soon, regardless of the news media toadying. It is absolutely amazing the level of hubris,comfort,and acceptance these ACORN weasels exhibit when enthusiastically endorsing tax fraud,loan fraud,child prostitution, and many other crimes. Just goes to show how the minions act when the leader has provided the example while getting elected using any means possible. A sorry, filthy, MESS.


but not hollered at a meeting of congress.and televised,,if you can produce one time this happened during the Bush administration by the house/senate/congress,I will concede!!
not once..individuals/blogs, constituents,news but not members of the house. challenge is on?? ps what Wilson did was against the Floor/house rules he has been shown a trouble maker/I believe a racist..(Wilson)


Moon I am so glad Wilson did what he did, he caused the closing of a very large loophole..I gladly contributed to his campaign fund and he isn't even from my state. The Dems are doing their best to cover their tracks..This was a political farce brought on by the pathetic radical whacko's, how sad the ditzy Dems are calling race in this..But so very typical of the peanut sized brains they have..With a leader getting ready to be up to his eyeballs in this ACORN scandal this it totally disgusting ..


I disagree, there was no loophole,just a republican disagreeing,an let emotions get away as he said(Wilson) most of his colleagues say he is a trouble maker

I do think/agree with Obama leave it alone//move on to more important issues

I believe we are close to closure on health care,to help the American people I salute if we do/if not we will try again


Moon it was Stark from California who in a speech on the Senate floor called Bush a liar twice in the same day, Also Reid called Bush a liar..Prime examples of Ditzy Dems ..Wilson will over come this rapidly. A damn shame when a man is punished for telling the truth . The loophole was suppost to be sweep under the rug, thank god it was exposed and supposdly corrected according to the news, the Dems had to scramble fast...My feelings are Obama doesn't know what to do with illegals, millions of them, but the American tax payers are speaking out, NO MORE !!! Take care of our own first.. Obama has demonstrated his lack of conviction when he let the immigration bills die, guess he felt the Americans would forget about it in the middle of his healthcare fiasco..Another poor judgement call on his part..


PS Obama accepted Wilson apology,I feel is enough

But I also think,he should apologize to the house!!in puplic


SSC wrote:Moon it was Stark from California who in a speech on the Senate floor called Bush a liar twice in the same day, Also Reid called Bush a liar..Prime examples of Ditzy Dems ..Wilson will over come this rapidly. A damn shame when a man is punished for telling the truth . The loophole was suppost to be sweep under the rug, thank god it was exposed and supposdly corrected according to the news, the Dems had to scramble fast...My feelings are Obama doesn't know what to do with illegals, millions of them, but the American tax payers are speaking out, NO MORE !!! Take care of our own first.. Obama has demonstrated his lack of conviction when he let the immigration bills die, guess he felt the Americans would forget about it in the middle of his healthcare fiasco..Another poor judgement call on his part..
thern show it


proof it ssc


SSC wrote: The loophole was suppost to be sweep under the rug, thank god it was exposed and supposdly corrected according to the news, the Dems had to scramble fast...
This is why I am perfectly comfortable calling Obama an outright liar. It could NOT have been him simply being unaware of the loophole. Several attempts were made to require citizenship verification by med services recipients but were simply tabled by Pelosi. If I sell you an insurance policy and you can't collect because you didn't suffer an injury on a Thursday afternoon while riding a bicycle, did I lie to you? Of course I did. Should you have read the fine print? Of course you should have. But we DEPEND on our Congresspeople representing our interests and closing loopholes. The Dems are actively misleading the people on every issue and have the gall to express indignation when they are called liars. Somehow, revealing a lie has become a "disgraceful act". It is NEVER a disgraceful act to tell the truth. NEVER.

