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1Constitution Day Empty Constitution Day Thu Sep 17, 2009 11:02 pm


Sept. 17th is Constitution Day, which means, you might ask, what exactly? It's not really a holiday, but rather a federal observance of the signing and ratification of the United States Constitution on Sept. 17, 1787.

Originally, this day was called Citizenship Day. IN 2004, the law establishing the Constitution Day was created the passage of an amendment added by Senator Robert Byrd to the Omnibus spending bill of 2004.

In addition to renaming the observance Constitution Day, the act mandates that all publicly funded educational institutions provide educational programming on the history of the American Constitution on that day. If the day falls on a weekend, schools and other institutions observe the holiday on an adjacent weekday.

As examples, in 2005 Constitution Day was observed on Friday, September 16the. In 2006, it was observed on Monday, September 18.

Local Constitution Day events are being held around the nation on Sept. 17th. For example, PA First Lady Marjorie Rendell will celebrate Constitution Day by teaching a civics lesson via the Internet to elementary students statewide at 1 PM. Michigan State University is holding a series on Q&A and public forums today. A final example, more than 100 students from high schools throughout Indiana will sign a replica of the U.S. Constitution as part of an interactive learning program sponsored by the Indiana Supreme Court and U.S. District Court.

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