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was a script I got in my email

Best Republican President Ever?

I guess it is no surprise that the “Carter/worst-president” meme is getting new traction these days . He is, after all, the guy who broke the rule of ex-presidential omertà to identify the man who really is the worst president And of course, as perhaps an even graver crime, he’s had the presumption to challenge the prevailing shibboleths about power in the Middle East

Still, there are voters old enough to be grandparents who were not old enough to vote when Ronald Reagan trounced Carter in 1979. And for them, we need always to repeat: Carter is not the worst president ever. He wasn’t even a very bad one. He was a mediocre president who has always, in office and out, paid more attention to trying to get it right than he has to his image.

I won’t plow over all the old ground again, and in particular, I won’t waste a lot of time trying to insist that good intentions trump lousy results—Warren Harding, after all, seems to have been a nice enough man, but a calamitous president. Richard Nixon was a Darth Vader of a human being but in the end, not quite as bad a president as people make him out to be.

My particular point is that some of the points on which Carter appears most vulnerable to his critics are those on which he was behaving precisely as the right-wingers would want him to behave.

Exhibit #A: One of the truest charges against Jimmy Carter is that he was a moral arrogance, touched with a streak of mean-spiritedness. Yet of all our presidents, Carter has the best claim to recognition as a born-again Christian. Born-agains (Carter and others) have contributed a lot that is good to American political life. Republicans like Henry Hyde and Sam Brownbeck have put their convictions to work on issues like human rights abroad in a way that mere pragmatists would not have thought to do. Yet arrogance and mean-spiritedness appear to be almost inevitable corollaries of this kind of belief—you take what you can get.

Exhibit #B: Almost nobody seems to want to remember these days that it was Carter, not Reagan, who set us on the road to deregulation. Trucking, natural gas, airlines: all these were products of the Carter years.

Exhibit #C: We talk about “The Carter inflation.” In fact, the inflation we saw in the Carter years was the result of policies that long preceded him. It would be at least as just to call it “The Johnson inflation,” or “the Nixon inflation” (and remember this?). In fact, what most people remember as “The Carter inflation” might well be remembered as “The Volcker inflation”—the stiff, sharp, shock, administered by Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker, Carter’s appointee. This is precisely the kind of “shock therapy” that robust free marketeers find so attractive when it is administered to the poor and vulnerable in, say, Argentina or Thailand.

I think there is a good reason why people don’t remember characteristics like this from the Carter years. That is: neither side really wants to hear about them. The right has no incentive to remember him as a good Christian, and they certainly don’t want to give him credit for free-market economics or monetary prudence. The left for its part, is at least ambivalent on all three counts: for them, Carter’s born-again-ness was one of his least attractive qualities, and deregulation and monetary stabilization don’t really count as achievements in their circle anyway.

We are left, then, with a president who was certainly not one of the “greats,” but one whose record is probably more complex and interesting than his critics want you to believe. Just like Dwight Eisenhower, say. Or Ronald Reagan. Jimmy Carter as the greatest Republican president ever? Of course not. But you could make a far better case for this particular simplistic catchphrase than for the one that seems to be goin’ round.

doesn't this sound familiar


the reason I posted this/is I am confused//ok don't laugh.. is this sarcasm/or what. carter was not republican..

rosco 357

rosco 357
im not sure , i dont think its sarcasm, i think the republican thing at the end i dont quite understand it, but im sure he had a meaning for saying it, but like i said, on this forum, my grandmother died, and they sold her house, and maybe some insurance i dont remember, but i do remember daddy putting what he got when divided up into cds, and man my dad loved the guy, cds interest rates were in the high teens, now cd rates are terrible, it all depends, dad did finance a car for 12 percent, but still he came out on cd rates, i wish they would go back up,, im sure he made some mistakes, but they all do, the hostages in iran hurt him and he launched a rescue mission and to the best of my memory, something about the sand and the helicopters had problems and it was a total falure, to my best memory, that killed him politically, if u remember the iranians released the hostages while i think reagan was being swore in or real close to that, i still dont understand the iranians playing against carter and for reagan, but there is lots of things i cant remember that far back, but he should have controlled brother billy more, , remember billy had some ppl or officials from oh i forget. where kadafi is president,i think libia and while waiting billy tinkled on the runway or tarmac, he was a total embarrassment, to the president,not sure why he had them coming, it was billy that had them come, i dont understand that, but carter was a nuclear engineer, i do believe and a smart man, all this is memory, so take with a grain of salt, and i have said this, i remember he said dont put this money into some defence weapon but into cruise missles, which turned out to be a very smart move, if in fact congress did it. but he recommended the change.. he also said the next great war will be in the persian gulf, and i thought WHAT< the persian gulf, but he was correct, but im sure he knew things, i did not know...and all this is memory, take care


I don't understand the concept
,,but I do love the man/yes he was very intelligent,and very moral

I love Obama to heal..he has the capabilities/I think we will suffice/

rosco 357

rosco 357
gypsy wrote:I don't understand the concept
,,but I do love the man/yes he was very intelligent,and very moral

I love Obama to heal..he has the capabilities/I think we will suffice/

well ur very optimistic,because storm clouds are building for the midterm 2010 election, the republicans will take more seats, how many remains to be seen, but the mass. seat falling to a republican basically killed the healthcare, the republicans will never go along on healthcare, they think no healthcare bill is a good horse to ride, and really i think the polls support them on that. i dont see much healing.. and dont think there will be. and obama seems to be loosing some clout overseas it seems to me, clinton was the best with other countries.. but overseas the iranian thing may or may not be huge, i have never worried about isreal defending itself, but i do now, isreal is so a small landwise, they are in a pickle. they just i dont think can attack iran, because they cant get all the sights iran has, and it would not take many missles to destroy isreal since its so small, iran has been a game changer..


I don't pay a bit of attention to that//good will prevail///either way we will try both
I think/the complete congress is faulty//especially the repub's//maybe not forever


wow storm clouds are building//that post was awesome//


I have a question. Why do the republicans not like Obama's Healthcare plan? I really want to know. I don't understand. We need it in this country. I need it. I don't understand one party (republicans) not liking a better healthcare plan so everyone gets the help they need.

I'll move my ass to Canada. I'm tired of this, I'm not getting any younger. Canada will take care of me, the US won't, its that simple.


I agree Tyler,,I do think Obama is tired of the blue dogs and republicans, he can pass this health care, one way or the other but better if there is a over all agreement..I see some blaming Obama for all this trouble America is in,they forget he has only been in office for a little over a year,this mess was created over a long period,started back when Reagan was president, so how can it be fixed in one year is beyond my understanding.I do think it will be passed in some form~~


Obama can't be expected to fix all our world problems in a year, or even 8 years. But things can inprove if someone is working on it. Obama is doing that. The Congress is fighting him. Its a non-ending cycle and that's the way our system works in getting things done, its almost impossible the way it is now.

I'm not holding my breath on Obama's helathcare plan passing and going into effect, it most likely won't if the history of this nation repeats itself. There are too many people shooting it down for there own selfish reasons. As a general rule of thumb, and purely an observation, Rich folks don't want to help people if it takes any money away from them. If they are somehow inconvenienced finanically they vote against it. Republicans basically.

rosco 357

rosco 357
gypsy wrote:I agree Tyler,,I do think Obama is tired of the blue dogs and republicans, he can pass this health care, one way or the other but better if there is a over all agreement..I see some blaming Obama for all this trouble America is in,they forget he has only been in office for a little over a year,this mess was created over a long period,started back when Reagan was president, so how can it be fixed in one year is beyond my understanding.I do think it will be passed in some form~~

no he cant pass this healthcare bill, now he does not have the number of votes to bring the vote to closure, which means end a filibuster, that mass. new senator brown i think is his name will block a vote, he can put some of it in the budget, but its will not be the whole bill and im not sure he is even planning that, why do u think obama can pass healtcare now, he needed 60 votes in the senate to get it passed, he only has 59 now, they should have done it before that election but he and nancy and the senate could not agree on the same bill. its will all be gridlock soon especially after the 2010 elections, i dont think obama will even be reelected in 2012 ,,but that is a long ways off,


I read somewhere he can push it through, also the meeting next week will determine something Obama demanded that something be voted on yea or nay but it will not just lay there and die~ i think there are things he can do like put those who don't vote on recess, like he told McConnell a few weeks back, and the next day the job was done~ I put that article here somewhere.

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