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Published January 07, 2013


Louisiana Republican Sen. David Vitter ripped Majority Leader Harry Reid for suggesting the damage from Hurricane Katrina was "nothing" compared with the damage from Superstorm Sandy.

Reid, D-Nev., made the comments last week when Congress was taking up a $9 billion disaster-relief bill for the East Coast, which is still reeling from Sandy.

“The people of New Orleans and that area, they were hurt, but nothing in comparison to what happened to the people in New York and New Jersey,” Reid said.

Vitter acknowledged that Katrina and Sandy, in late October, were “horribly destructive storms that caused real human misery,” but argued that Katrina “by any measure” was the worst natural disaster in U.S. history.

The hurricane hit the Gulf Coast region in 2005 and resulted in 1,833 deaths and more than $108 billion in damage.

“Sadly, Harry Reid has again revealed himself to be an idiot, this time gravely insulting Gulf Coast residents,” Vitter, the ranking Republican of the Senate’s Environment and Public Works Committee, said Monday.

Sandy, whose full force hit New Jersey and New York, caused at least 125 deaths and $62 billion in damage along the entire East Coast.

The Democrat-controlled Senate passed a $60.4 billion Sandy package without debate in the last session. The House instead approved a smaller, $9.7 billion package Friday -- several days after the 112th Congress ended and following concerns among fiscal conservatives that the Senate package included non-essential spending.

House Speaker John Boehner delayed the vote amid last-second fiscal negotiations and has scheduled a Jan. 15 vote for the roughly $51 billion in remaining disaster-relief funds.

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Go, Mr Reid!! I support you all the way!!
all disasters should receive the same help!! in the USA!!
worst or what!!?:so they are comparing? disaster or disaster!


Do you really know what you are talking about or are you just the Harry cheerleader ? The FOOL has tried to say Sandy was worse than Katrina, each storm was a tragedy but over 1800 lives were lost in Katrina, now senile Harry is back stepping, so I wouldn't support him to much, he already made himself look like an idiot, don't join him if you don't have the figures.


Majority Leader Harry Reid backtracks after saying Hurricane Katrina was 'nothing in comparison' to superstorm Sandy

Sen. David Vitter called Reid 'an idiot' on Facebook and Twitter. It is rare for a senator to attack another in such personal terms.


Published: Monday, January 7, 2013, 1:43 PM

Updated: Monday, January 7, 2013, 5:03 PM.

Mark Wilson/Getty

Senate Majority Leader Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) has complained about the slow pace of congressional action in response to Sandy.
WASHINGTON - After being called “an idiot” by a Senate colleague, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid backtracked Monday after declaring that Hurricane Katrina was in some ways "nothing in comparison" to superstorm Sandy.

“I simply misspoke,” Reid (D-Nevada) said in a written statement.

Reid issued the mea culpa just hours after Sen. David Vitter, a Louisiana Republican, called him out on Facebook and Twitter in an unusually personal attack against a fellow senator.

"Sadly, Harry Reid has again revealed himself to be an idiot, this time gravely insulting Gulf Coast residents," Vitter wrote.

"Both Katrina and Sandy were horribly destructive storms that caused real human misery. And by most any measure, Katrina was our worst natural disaster in history."

Reid made his controversial remarks on Friday, when he blamed House Republicans for congressional delays in helping Sandy victims.

While Congress moved to help Mississippi, Alabama, and especially Louisiana in the days after Katrina struck in 2005, victims of Sandy have had to wait more than two months, he said.

"The people of New Orleans and that area, they were hurt but nothing in comparison to what happened to the people" in New York and New Jersey," Reid said.

Katrina caused 1,833 deaths and an estimated $145 billion in damages. Sandy has been blamed for about 120 deaths and more than $80 billion in damages.

Bill Haber/Associated Press

Senator David Vitter blasted colleague Harry Reid over the damage inflicted by Hurricane Katrina.

In walking back his remarks Monday, Reid still got in some digs at Republicans.

"In my recent comments criticizing House Republicans for threatening to betray Congress' tradition of providing aid to disaster victims in a timely fashion regardless of region, I simply misspoke," Reid said.

"I am proud to have been an advocate for disaster victims in the face of Republican foot-dragging, from Hurricane Katrina to Hurricane Sandy, from fires in the west to tornadoes in the Midwest."

Gov. Cuomo drew flack in November for arguing that in some ways Sandy was "more impactful" than Katrina.

Sandy was a larger storm that affected more people because it hit the densely populated New York metro area, Cuomo argued.

The House, over the objection of 67 Republicans, approved $9.7 billion on Friday to cover claims of Sandy victims under the federal flood insurance program. The measure was approved by the Senate and signed by President Obama.

Members from states hit by Sandy are fighting for approval of more than $50 billion in additional aid for Sandy victims in House votes later this month.

Vitter is not the only Republican to unload recently on Reid. House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) acknowledged in a recent interview that he told Reid to "go f--- yourself" in the White House after Reid called Boehner "a dictator" in a Senate speech.

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Yep!! I am the Cheerleader for fair, and good~ all disatirs should be the same and all help should be


All disasters are the same in the sense they cause pain and hardship on millions of people. The extent of Katrina was far more reaching than Sandy and we don't see them busing people thousands of miles away never to let them come home. This whole ordeal with Harry comparing the storms just shows his lack of ability to come to terms with reality. Pitting people against each other has become an all to normal with him and this administration in their quest to destroy the morals and values of the US. As long as the likes of him, Pelosi and Obama are in control the country will stay divided and on a free fall to failure. In the days , weeks and months ahead the impact of this countries poor judgement in re-electing Obama will come to full light. The lies of taxes, increases in co-pays and cut backs in medical treatment are going to cripple the middle class and small businesses. Take a look around now, very soon the lifestyle as we know it will be gone forever.


We already went through that with the last era of presidency..Free Fall!

I believe our nation is healing,he healed the first four Years +Obama+,the next four he/we will more, will wait and see.
we have lots of New congress coming in and they are Democrats,,John Boehner is a cry baby and can't get his party to work together.. as I see it the Republicans caused this train wreck Democrats or fixing it, like they have all through history..

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