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rosco 357

rosco 357
MY Words: im not necessarily against this if i can learn something from it. i know tyler holds much interest in a healthcare program as he has mentioned canada. as i have stated here alot. i mainly would like something to get on if i get layed off besides cobra. and something. i would not mind some governement involvement, medicare seems to work ok or when my mom was alive and using it alot with heart bypass and things etc, it did well, anyway . so june 24th, i think it says, i may record it, hope i dont forget, as u will see at the end this is new and still developing,

Tue Jun 16 2009 08:45:10 ET

On the night of June 24, the media and government become one, when ABC turns its programming over to President Obama and White House officials to push government run health care -- a move that has ignited an ethical firestorm!

Highlights on the agenda:

ABCNEWS anchor Charlie Gibson will deliver WORLD NEWS from the Blue Room of the White House.

The network plans a primetime special -- 'Prescription for America' -- originating from the East Room, exclude opposing voices on the debate.

Late Monday night, Republican National Committee Chief of Staff Ken McKay fired off a complaint to the head of ABCNEWS:

Dear Mr. Westin:

As the national debate on health care reform intensifies, I am deeply concerned and disappointed with ABC's astonishing decision to exclude opposing voices on this critical issue on June 24, 2009. Next Wednesday, ABC News will air a primetime health care reform “town hall” at the White House with President Barack Obama. In addition, according to an ABC News report, GOOD MORNING AMERICA, WORLD NEWS, NIGHTLINE and ABC’s web news “will all feature special programming on the president’s health care agenda.” This does not include the promotion, over the next 9 days, the president’s health care agenda will receive on ABC News programming.

Today, the Republican National Committee requested an opportunity to add our Party's views to those of the President's to ensure that all sides of the health care reform debate are presented. Our request was rejected. I believe that the President should have the ability to speak directly to the America people. However, I find it outrageous that ABC would prohibit our Party's opposing thoughts and ideas from this national debate, which affects millions of ABC viewers.

In the absence of opposition, I am concerned this event will become a glorified infomercial to promote the Democrat agenda. If that is the case, this primetime infomercial should be paid for out of the DNC coffers. President Obama does not hold a monopoly on health care reform ideas or on free airtime. The President has stated time and time again that he wants a bipartisan debate. Therefore, the Republican Party should be included in this primetime event, or the DNC should pay for your airtime.

Ken McKay
Republican National Committee
Chief of Staff

ABCNEWS Senior Vice President Kerry Smith on Tuesday responded to the RNC complaint, saying it contained 'false premises':

"ABCNEWS prides itself on covering all sides of important issues and asking direct questions of all newsmakers -- of all political persuasions -- even when others have taken a more partisan approach and even in the face of criticism from extremes on both ends of the political spectrum. ABCNEWS is looking for the most thoughtful and diverse voices on this issue.

"ABCNEWS alone will select those who will be in the audience asking questions of the president. Like any programs we broadcast, ABC News will have complete editorial control. To suggest otherwise is quite unfair to both our journalists and our audience."



good, I am so glad that something will be done on health care(hopefully)

as far as holding a monopoly I think the president does have that right, then it goes to the house/senate for confirmation an passing~
sounds like one more whimper/complaint, from the unorganized Republicans to me~

we desperately need a good health care where insurance companies and health care is providerse(drs pharmaceuticals) or not ripping we people off..

rosco 357

rosco 357
well its still a steep hill to climb , i will have to see the devil in the detail, i would not mind paying some tax like counting what my company pays as income therefore taxed, but it would really have to benefit me and give me health care security if i loose my job, i pay rates that are as they are because the hospital just passes on the ppl they treat free, onto my bill, there is no free ride for ppl with insurance now, they just pay for the free ppl like illegals and ppl with no coverage, that the hospital has to treat free.
again i hold judgement till i see details, there will be speculation mainly to scare some. it will be tough.. and i may not like what i see, but im scared now, if get layed off,


yes Rosco, true, there are a lot of People in that situation, I hope it is good plan, and benefits the working class~

I know they are working to rid us of illegals, but they need to work harder..
they are taking advantage, (illegals) in the goodness/fairness of our country..


The Clinton failure on health care is almost a carbon copy of the Obama health care policy at this time.
They better come up with something better or it will be a devastating fiasco to the middle class.
Illegals have no right to health care or any other benefits in my opinion, get a green card ,pay taxes or go home and burden their own country. Why should we be strapped with the expense , enough of our citizens are suffering from job loss in the last 6 months, losing their health insurance, take the money wasted on illegals and provide for our own.


SSC wrote:The Clinton failure on health care is almost a carbon copy of the Obama health care policy at this time.
They better come up with something better or it will be a devastating fiasco to the middle class.
Illegals have no right to health care or any other benefits in my opinion, get a green card ,pay taxes or go home and burden their own country. Why should we be strapped with the expense , enough of our citizens are suffering from job loss in the last 6 months, losing their health insurance, take the money wasted on illegals and provide for our own.
I agree totally with that.


I agree with illegals deserve no health care..from us. or to be in this country

until the plan is released, we don't know it is like the Clinton health care plan?


My assessment of the two health care plans being eerily identical is from news reports on all networks all day long after Obama tried his pitch to the medical association. Clintons plan failed . If Obama continues to follow in the Clinton path with his health care plan it to will fail leaving many in jeopardy with no health care or none that is affordable.


This is from a friend of mine, I've posted this before I think on the old forum, and who's opinion I happen to support. I can't say this any better than he can, so I'll post his message here for you to read: He passed away a few years ago, I'll keep his name anonymous:

“If you didn’t have the (medical) coverage you have, you’d be dead.” I’ve been told that – in those exact words. I’ve been told that had I not the wherewithal to pay for my treatments, they would have let me die.

That, boys and girls, is the way it is today. Were you aware of that? Tell me that you think it’s right.

There are any number of reasons for this “post” – some more obvious than others – but one is so that you might begin to think about and understand what it is that you will one day face – growing old and being in poor health. Few have been able to articulate it.

The quote above is true – it is outrageous, it is wrong, and not the way it should be – but it is a fact. Kid yourself all you want to about living in the greatest country on the face of the earth, but the reality is that you live in a nation that allows it’s least able to die for the lack of adequate health care – for the lack of the ability to pay ever increasing health care costs.

You must understand that this is a subject near and dear to my heart – frankly, it dominates my life now – but the day will come when you will have to face these issues for yourself. The powers that be, in conjunction with their friends in the highest offices in government, are frantically working to leave you out to fend for yourself when it comes to health care.

Every other industrialized nation – every other industrialized nation – provides better universal care than does this nation. Yet you are told that we cannot provide coverage and compete in the market place. Why not? They can.

The answer is to be found in our priorities. We are a nation that believes in disproportionately favoring one class over another – that favors rewarding one class even at the cost of allowing the least among us to die needlessly. No one wants to hear that, no one wants to believe that, but every now and then someone slips and says: “If you didn’t have the (medical) coverage you have, you’d be dead.”

So tell me, what are you going to do about it? Anything? Or are you just going to cross your fingers and hope that you end up as “lucky” as I have?


More by him:

Bitch and moan – complain and complain some more – it’s all I ever seem to do. I have become the classic “old man” – obsessed with “health issues”, all but unable to talk about anything else.

It wasn’t supposed to be like this, in fact, it wasn’t going to be like this – but it happened anyway. Somehow, when I wasn’t looking, I became what I had always detested – a certified old fart. Wrinkled and bent over, feeble and frail.

What ever happened to the kid who had no bounds, the young man who knew no fear, the grown man who had the world in the palm of his hand? The truth be known, the same thing that happens to everyone – it’s called the passing of time. Only I thought that I was exempt – and now I sit here bewildered at discovering that I was mistaken.

I would like to think that I am handling it with grace and dignity – and I do have my moments – but in reality, I am not. Like so many before me, I can be bitter and angry over the ravages of advancing years. Nothing in life really prepares you for this – it’s something you can only fully understand when you experience it first hand.

But for all of my misfortune, I am blessed – blessed in that I found someone who allows me to grow old loved and cared for. Someone who doesn’t seem to notice that I was the one who once promised to take care of her. Someone more special than words can describe.

At least there is something in my life I can’t complain about…


I remember reading this from that person,Tyler. A wonderful post!!
it is a very true, and sad condition .
we a great nation should not have these health care problems/ issues, every legal American should have health care coverage,and the ability to seek services for them to become well..
years ago when we farmed we had to provide our on health insurance and it was very costly,we could barely afford it. when our last child was born he had prune belly syndrome, and extensive kidney malfunctions, our health care on him was dropped because they (insurance companies said it was a pre existent problem( for heavens sake he was just born. I had a perfect pregnancy nothing was found wrong until he was born, after five surgeries, without insurance coverage the problem was corrected. But we struggled for 20 years paying off these hospital debts/doctor fees, thousands and thousands of dollars.. that should not be, and here it is 39 years later,that is how old Joseph is) and the health care is still not this country..


mistake on age of youngest son he is 36 LOL

rosco 357

rosco 357
runawayhorses wrote:
SSC wrote:The Clinton failure on health care is almost a carbon copy of the Obama health care policy at this time.
They better come up with something better or it will be a devastating fiasco to the middle class.
Illegals have no right to health care or any other benefits in my opinion, get a green card ,pay taxes or go home and burden their own country. Why should we be strapped with the expense , enough of our citizens are suffering from job loss in the last 6 months, losing their health insurance, take the money wasted on illegals and provide for our own.
I agree totally with that.

i agree. i have said this, i think before, my cousin has been a charge nurse in charge of 3rd shift in the place babys are born. she gets pissed off that so many pll like illegals and ppl without insurance are there having babies, for free, and as i have said way to many time, the ppl like me that have insurance pays there bill, the hospital is not going to loose money if it can help it, so they pass the freebees bills onto the ones that pay. its tough, they have to take pregnant ppl into emergency , so then they go to the floor and get a private room as they all are, but what is the answer, as much as i hate this is going on, u cant let a baby die, i think it all goes back to the big flaw, that we have allowed illegals to enter way to easy in the many past years, no politician or a very few. want to do the hard lifting to keep them out, and part of it is they dont want to loose the hispanic vote for the ones that are here legally and do vote, but have illegal friends, i think the problem started years ago, when they actually wanted illegals like in cali to pick fruit, work in factories, and gave money to politicians to not pass laws to keep them out, not use the military to help keep them out, we have waited to late the problem is here now, and its a big one, gosh i was at walmart here, and saw many mexicans . if u think it pisses me off, u should talk to my kids, lol,


I think it pisses all Americans /legals off~ so what do we do about it??
one mistake we made
I think is bringing migrant workers in, and then they found a way to stay. we need to get tougher. now they have American born babies~ so the dilemma> sending parents back what about the children? it is a sad,and bad situation.

rosco 357

rosco 357
yes i think im correct if illegals are here and have a baby born here, the baby is a citizen, please i think im correct, if im wrong please post to correct me...take care


yes your right on baby born in states from illegals is an American citizen.

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