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White House Escalates War of Words With Fox News
Anita Dunn, White House communications director, calls Fox News a "wing of the Republican Party," after the White House began using its government blog to criticize "Fox lies."
Monday, October 12, 2009

Calling Fox News "a wing of the Republican Party," the Obama administration on Sunday escalated its war of words against the channel, even as observers questioned the wisdom of a White House war on a news organization.

"What I think is fair to say about Fox -- and certainly it's the way we view it -- is that it really is more a wing of the Republican Party," said Anita Dunn, White House communications director, on CNN. "They take their talking points, put them on the air; take their opposition research, put them on the air. And that's fine. But let's not pretend they're a news network the way CNN is."

Fox News senior vice president Michael Clemente, who likens the channel to a newspaper with separate sections on straight news and commentary, suggested White House officials were intentionally conflating opinion show hosts like Glenn Beck with news reporters like Major Garrett.

"It's astounding the White House cannot distinguish between news and opinion programming," Clemente said. "It seems self-serving on their part."

In recent weeks, the White House has begun using its government blog to directly attack what it called "Fox lies." David Gergen, who has worked for President Bill Clinton and three Republican presidents, questioned the propriety of the White House declaring war on a news organization.

"It's a very risky strategy. It's not one that I would advocate," Gergen said on CNN. "If you're going to get very personal against the media, you're going to find that the animosities are just going to deepen. And you're going to find that you sort of almost draw viewers and readers to the people you're attacking. You build them up in some ways, you give them stature."

He added: "The press always has the last barrel of ink."

Gergen's sentiments were echoed by Tony Blankley, who once served as press secretary to former House Speaker Newt Gingrich.

"Going after a news organization, in my experience, is always a loser," Blankley said on CNN. "They have a big audience. And Fox has an audience of not just conservatives -- they've got liberals and moderates who watch too. They've got Obama supporters who are watching. So it's a temptation for a politician, but it needs to be resisted."

Nia Malika Henderson, White House correspondent for the Politico newspaper, also questioned the White House offensive against Fox.

"Obama's only been a boon to their ratings and I don't understand how this kind of escalation of rhetoric and kind of taking them on, one on one, would do anything other than escalate their ratings even more," she said.

Dunn used an appearance on CNN's "Reliable Sources" over the weekend to complain about Fox News' coverage of the Obama presidential campaign a year ago.

"It was a time this country was in two wars," she recalled. "We'd had a financial collapse probably more significant than any financial collapse since the Great Depression. If you were a Fox News viewer in the fall election, what you would have seen would have been that the biggest stories and biggest threats facing America were a guy named Bill Ayers and something called ACORN."

Ayers was co-founder of the Weather Underground, a communist terrorist group that bombed the Pentagon and other buildings in the 1960s and 1970s. In 1995, Ayers hosted Obama at his home for a political function and the two men later served together on the board of an anti-poverty group known as the Woods Fund.

The Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN), which once had close ties to Obama, has been accused by a variety of law enforcement agencies of voter fraud. In recent weeks, the Democrat-controlled Congress moved to sever funding to ACORN after Fox News aired undercover videotapes of ACORN employees giving advice on how to break the law to a pair of journalists disguised as a pimp and prostitute.

As for Dunn's complaint about Fox News' coverage of the Obama campaign, a study by the Pew Research Center showed that 40 percent of Fox News stories on Obama in the last six weeks of the campaign were negative. Similarly, 40 percent of Fox News' stories on Obama's Republican opponent, Sen. John McCain, were negative.

On CNN, by contrast, there was a 22-point disparity in the percentage of negative stories on Obama (39 percent) and McCain (61 percent). The disparity was even greater at MSNBC, according to Pew, where just 14 percent of Obama stories were negative, compared to a whopping 73 percent of McCain stories -- a spread of 59 points.

Although Dunn accused Fox News of being a "wing of the Republican Party," she said the network does not champion conservatism.

"It's not ideological," she acknowledged. "I mean, obviously, there are many commentators who are conservative, liberal, centrist -- and everybody understands that."

Still, Obama refused to appear on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace on Sept. 20, the day he appeared on five other Sunday shows. At the time, the White House characterized the snub as payback for the Fox Broadcast Network's decision not to air an Obama prime time appearance. But last weekend, Dunn blamed Fox News Channel's coverage of the administration for Obama's snub of Fox News Sunday.

"Is this why he did not appear?" Dunn said. "The answer is yes."

Wallace has called White House officials "the biggest bunch of crybabies I have dealt with in my 30 years in Washington."

Dunn was asked by CNN's Howard Kurtz whether Obama would grant an interview to Fox News by the end of the year.

"Obviously, he'll go on Fox, because he engages with ideological opponents and he has done that before, he will do it again," Dunn replied. "I can't give you a date, because frankly I can't give you dates for anybody else right now."

But last week, Fox News was informed by the White House that Obama would grant no interviews to the channel until at least 2010. The edict was relayed to Fox News by a White House official after Dunn discussed the channel at a meeting with presidential spokesman Robert Gibbs and other Obama advisers.

"What I will say is that when he (Obama) goes on Fox, he understands he's not going on it really as a news network, at this point," Dunn said on CNN. "He's going on to debate the opposition. And that's fine. He never minds doing that."

Dunn also strongly implied that Fox had failed to follow up on a New York Times story about a scandal swirling around GOP Sen. John Ensign of Nevada, although Fox News broadcast the stories on numerous shows, including Special Report with Bret Baier.

Clemente questioned the motives of the White House attack, which comes in the wake of an informal coffee last month between Fox chairman Roger Ailes and Obama adviser David Axelrod.

"Instead of governing, the White House continues to be in campaign mode, and Fox News is the target of their attack mentality," he said. "Perhaps the energy would be better spent on the critical issues that voters are worried about."

Blankley suggested the war on Fox News is unpresidential.

"It lowers the prestige," he said. "If you're president or speaker, at a certain level, you don't want to be seen to be engaging that kind of petty bickering. If you're just a congressman, maybe you can do it."

In an interview over the summer, Obama made clear that Fox News has gotten under his skin.

"I've got one television station that is entirely devoted to attacking my administration," he told CNBC's John Harwood. "You'd be hard pressed if you watched the entire day to find a positive story about me on that front."

At the White House Correspondents Dinner in May, Obama even mocked the media for supporting him.

"Most of you covered me; all of you voted for me," Obama said, spurring laughter and applause from the assembled journalists. "Apologies to the Fox table."

Gergen said the White House should delegate its attacks to outside support groups.

"Why don't they take this over to the DNC, over to the Democratic National Committee, and have their struggles like that fought out over there and not out of the White House?" Gergen said. "I have real questions about that strategy."


Anyone who actually watches FOX knows they have a full crew of "house liberals" that appear on nearly every and any discussion show. Like Roscoe, I can't take Hannity's open Republicanism though, and in my opinion, they should find him a liberal counterpart or drop him. As far as the raw "news" reports on FOX, I see little difference from any of the others (except MSNBC) How can you put a political slant on a forest fire report? Or a ship sinking? Or the world's tallest dog? The WH snotty remarks demean them and smell like fear. It's disgraceful.


meemoon wrote: How can you put a political slant on a forest fire report? Or a ship sinking? Or the world's tallest dog? The WH snotty remarks demean them and smell like fear. It's disgraceful.
Yes and that's the actual news isn't it? Everything else is shows, gossup, programing for ratings.. To think they (Fox) is in business to make a political point or to satisfy someones personal agenda is naive, it ain't happening. They are in the big broadcasting business, and all they want (stock holders,) is ratings to make them more money. Any subject or "show" that will bring the best ratings is all they are interested in. If it's Obama's camp, fine, if its a Republican orientated show then thats fine too, whatever brings the bigger ratings for the shows wins the air space.

I agree Moon, I'm not countering your statement.

And I actually do watch Fox News.

rosco 357

rosco 357
meemoon wrote:Anyone who actually watches FOX knows they have a full crew of "house liberals" that appear on nearly every and any discussion show. Like Roscoe, I can't take Hannity's open Republicanism though, and in my opinion, they should find him a liberal counterpart or drop him. As far as the raw "news" reports on FOX, I see little difference from any of the others (except MSNBC) How can you put a political slant on a forest fire report? Or a ship sinking? Or the world's tallest dog? The WH snotty remarks demean them and smell like fear. It's disgraceful.
gee u agreed with me on hannity, lol,, actually i wonder why allan colmes quit, hannity is good at overtalking ppl and interupting , maybe colmes got a new and better job, or i wonder if he just tired of hannity, i do think hannity is a good family man but i cant listen to his one sided debate. as he overpowers his guest with his microphone. ur correct he needs balance or cancel him, but i dont see him being cancelled, i imagine his audience agrees with him , i just dont watch, but i dont get to watch much anyway as i usually am at work, take care,


As I have stated before, they are bias,an are republican owned. an as O'reilly say Faux News!!


gypsy wrote:As I have stated before, they are bias,an are republican owned. an as O'reilly say Faux News!!
All I can think of to say to that is an emoticon reaction .. lol!


Good thing you're not in the broadcasting business, you wouldn't last a day.


no emotion,just the truth
Rupert the owner even states it.
I put an article a ways back on why Rupert Murdoch started this ,an it wasn't for news~ I can understand if your full blooded republican, on liking Fox, but I am a bit of neutral really for the best person to lead this nation.and a bi partisan reporting most of Fox is one sided Very Happy I think i have pretty good stamina I believe iI might last 2 days , at least lol!


How truely funny the WH has to attack Fox on their blog...have they nothing better to do ? When you counter as they are and in the terms used by the WH spokeswoman you can't help but wonder how many raw nerves has Fox exposed..or better yet the truths being hidden from we the American people..The WH is helping Fox in leaps and bounds in ratings, calling so much attention people are tuning in to find out what has the WH is such a wad...Totally funny and Fox is loving it..
Beck pulls more viewers at 3AM than does NBC at 10 PM...and Beck isn't reporting news just a commentary show...Why are they so afraid of them Is it truth hurts ???

rosco 357

rosco 357
i have to say i agree with marc on beck he is to showy, lol,( i loved that quote from marc,) but as i have said to many times i never watch a show without a co host with an opposite opinion, so i can listen to the debate then i can decide,and keep beck or whoever honest,,,and that goes both ways, i will say if fox has a pure liberal host on by himself, and they may, tell me, i really dont know as i am at work,


rosco 357 wrote: i will say if fox has a pure liberal host on by himself, and they may, tell me, i really dont know as i am at work,
What does it matter really? A host is a host, they are in broadcasting looking for ratings. If your opinions and beliefs (politically) are not popular, they probably won't be addressed or acknowledged in their broadcast. Its not good business.

Its a SHOW

rosco 357

rosco 357
it matters to me, i see conservative host, just wondered if they have any liberal ones with a show on fox, i know it all show, i just wonder if they show both liberal shows and conservative shows , like i said it matters to me, no a host is not a host, there are 2 kinds, just wonder if they have both kinds, take care,


rosco 357 wrote:no a host is not a host, there are 2 kinds, just wonder if they have both kinds, take care,
Only 2? OK.. I had this crazy idea they were just putting on a show, and there entire job security relies on them to get good ratings. There are so many viewpoints and opinions, attitudes, etc, it seems reasonable the one who gets the best ratings wins out and gets to keep their job. That's show business.

I find it hard to believe there are only 2 types.. White House Escalates War of Words With Fox News 503179


rosco 357 wrote:it matters to me, i see conservative host, just wondered if they have any liberal ones with a show on fox, i know it all show, i just wonder if they show both liberal shows and conservative shows , like i said it matters to me, no a host is not a host, there are 2 kinds, just wonder if they have both kinds, take care,
As far as I know, FOX has Hannity to match MSNBC's Olberman and that's about it. O'Relly says he's an independent traditionalist. He has been known to criticise every politician at one time or another and he always puts on liberals,some of whom are radically so. . After Olberman announced he is a gonad gobbler and MSNBC engaged in a pointless, vicious, unethical campaign to belittle Sarah Palin, I wrote them off for news. I still watch their docs. I don't think that there is any doubt FOX is home to a conservative viewership and that includes me. The 3 majors are so pro-Obama it's funny. Tyler, I do think there are basically only 2 types; conserv and lib. Beck is supposed to be a Libertarian and frequently stabs at Repubs, but his problem is that he exposes present government idiocies and the Dems are in power. And as Ms Dunn has made clear,if you don't support Obama, yer an enemy of the state and must be officially denounced. That's reason enough for me to watch FOX.

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