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Immigration by the Numbers
Population (2011 Census Bureau estimate) 4,574,836
Illegal Alien Population (2010 FAIR estimate) 60,000
Cost of Illegal Aliens (2010 FAIR estimate) $224,000,000
Projected Population 2050 (2006 FAIR estimate) 4,737,500
Unemployment Rate (BLS estimate, Oct 2012) 6.6%
Cost to Louisianans
$224 million a year spent on illegal immigration
 $132 million a year to educate the children of illegal aliens
 $21.7 million a year on unreimbursed health care for illegal aliens
 $19.2 million a year on criminal justice activities for illegal aliens
 $18.4 million a year on welfare for illegal aliens
 $32.9 million a year for additional state/local operating costs
 $127 annual cost to each of Louisiana’s native-born headed households
About FAIR
The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) advocates for immigration policies that serve broad national interests, not special interests. For over 30 years, FAIR has been regarded as the most credible source for immigration issue analysis and comment by members of Congress and virtually every media organization in the country. Our staff is available to provide timely and accurate perspective on any aspect of the ongoing immigration debate.


Immigration by the Numbers
Population (2011 Census Bureau estimate) 19,057,542
Illegal Alien Population (2010 FAIR estimate) 820,000
Illegal Alien Share (2010 FAIR estimate) 4.3%
Cost of Illegal Aliens (2010 FAIR estimate) $5,463,000,000
Projected Population 2050 (2006 FAIR estimate) 31,750,000
Unemployment Rate (BLS estimate, Oct. 2012) 8.5%
Cost to Floridians
$5.5 billion a year spent on illegal immigration
 $3.3 billion a year to educate the children of illegal aliens
 $660 million a year on unreimbursed health care for illegal aliens
 $579 million a year on criminal justice activities for illegal aliens
 $317 million a year on welfare for illegal aliens
 $568 million a year for additional state/local operating costs
 $940 annual cost to each of Florida’s native-born headed households
About FAIR
The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) advocates for immigration policies that serve broad national interests, not special interests. For over 30 years, FAIR has been regarded as the most credible source for immigration issue analysis and comment by members of Congress and virtually every media organization in the country. Our staff is available to provide timely and accurate perspective on any aspect of the ongoing immigration debate.


Immigration by the Numbers
Population (2011 Census Bureau estimate) 4,369,356
Illegal Alien Population (2010 FAIR estimate) 50,000
Cost of Illegal Aliens (2010 FAIR estimate) $326,000,000
Projected 2050 Population (2006 FAIR estimate) 5,281,800
Unemployment Rate (BLS, Oct 2012) 8.4%
Cost to Kentuckians
$326 million a year spent on illegal immigration
 $149 million a year to educate the children of illegal aliens
 $24 million a year on unreimbursed health care for illegal aliens
 $22 million a year on criminal justice activities for illegal aliens
 $47 million a year on welfare for illegal aliens
 $84 million a year for additional state/local operating costs
 $195 annual cost to each of Kentucky’s native-born headed households



After reading about FAIR I'm afraid that I can't accept their information. They look to be very biased. I agree that something needs to be done about illegal immigration but we must not forget that we are a nation of immigrants. Who here does not come from a family of immigrants? Most legal of course. My Irish ancestors, who were legal, had to face such predjudice as signs that said "dogs and Irish need not apply" when looking for work.


Yes we are a nation of immigrants, but being legal and illegal is a huge difference. Legal did the process with good intentions, the illegals are here to have anchor babies, draw government funding , sell drugs and be involved in kidnapping of children, take jobs away from legal citizens, driving up medical costs as they are allowed ER visits whether they can pay or not then the cost is passed down to the taxpayers.
As far as the site FAIR I don't know much about it, but the figures seem to pretty well match other sites that you can google.

Last edited by SSC on Sat Jan 12, 2013 4:24 pm; edited 1 time in total


A question, when did immigration become illegal? when was a law established that America isn't free for new people,ideas,cultures..I read that immigration is only about 1% of America's far as drugs and crime, looks like the citizens already established, contribute to much of that..


Immigration Gypsy is not illegal, what a silly question, ILLEGAL immigrates are just that illegal until they go thru the process. I do believe your 1% is way low but I'm sure you can find a site to give you exact numbers.


LOL well yes maybe it was a silly question..when did America make a big deal with people coming to this country, what are the steps that were established and when were they established? maybe 1% is low, but illegals sure are not our biggest problem.. or neither do the contribute much to the debit of fact they buy and work..contribute financially also to the community... maybe the laws to becoming legal are to hard.. as I said the illegals are the lesser of our problems, that is my thought anyway..but there should be an upgrade on the immigration laws,that I do think is a good point..


I can tell exactly where this topic is headed, it will eventually and ambivalently show that Gypsy is not for anything that is "illegal" but on the other-hand shes all for anyone moving here to this country that wants to. You will also discover that she thinks we are all illegal citizens because we weren't born here anymore that the illegal immigrants were, so theoretically we should not complain about illegal immigration if we are immigrants ourselves. You will also learn that we are not real white people because white people are not a real race. All of that line of thinking is to support immigration but questioning the use the word "illegal", because aren't we illegal to? She supports illegal immigration because most of them are democrats.

Ok, just thought I'd quickly sum up where this is headed, now I'm outta here!! What  Illegal Immigration Costs Your State 269890


LOL..wise analysis, think I'll move on to another topic. Not getting into a political sparing match over illegals for sure.


I agree, a wise choice,for us all.. thanks for the discussion.
.I put a lengthy reply,to Tyler,decided what is the use.
.I agree with some of your points Tyler, some I disagree

yes democrats are mostly our law makers, and bills introduced and passed.
I can name these but then that opens up an complete new can of worms..
I will say again illegals are the least of our problems and debt..

yes we do need Gun Control laws enforced more and better.
mental health more evaluated before someone can buy a gun of mass destruction..
also the law for purchasing a gun should be the same at a gun show, and it is in
purchasing a gun at a store.

10What  Illegal Immigration Costs Your State Empty Speaking of immigration Mon Jan 14, 2013 1:03 am


I came across this as I was looking up immigration and found it totally fascinating. It is a lengthy read but I think well worth the time. Made me wonder how many of us can claim to know for sure that our ancestors came here legally. Also, how many of them stole this land from the inhabitants that were already here then treated them so badly. Of course I am referring to the native Indians.


Oh everyone knows we stole this land from the Indians that was taught to us in elementary school for cryin out loud. Everyone already knows this and if they didn't then they're illiterate.

Yes we stole this land almajean, thank you for attempting to enlighten us, so how do YOU feel about that knowing you live in a country that was stolen? Are you ashamed, do you wish you lived in another country?

The fact we stole this land from the Indians was inevitable, they lived in this huge country without any modern weapons to protect themselves, so naturally they lost it to people with more military power, same thing would happen today to us if we didn't keep up with the times militarily. That's the REAL world we live in, so the Indians got what was coming to them, that's what happens when you let your guard down. So too bad for the indians, its ours now.

Whether or not our ancestors came here legally is irrelevant because anyone that is born here is a legal American citizen even if there parents were not. Two illegal American citizens can have a baby born in the US and that baby is a legal American citizen. Case closed.


Alma I read the complete article, it was a good read,a reminder to all
, how it was a fight to establish this great country.
The mistakes our forefathers made, and some still being made.


So you think the "Indian Removal Act" law was a mistake? That law was in theory voluntary, but of course the Indians resisted and were then forced to move west as we occupied there land, eventually we took it all. I don't know of any other way taking this country could have been done, a law had to be enacted to remove the Indians so we could live there in peace, the Indians that resisted were a threat.

Its understandable to think it was a 'wrong' to pass such a law because after all it was there land not ours, and our forefathers conveniently labeled them as "tribes" and not the real owners so we could feel better about it and lawfully take and occupy there land, because after all they themselves were divided. But to say it was a "mistake" is confusing, how would you have stolen there land Gypsy or would you simply not have done it at all and gone back home and left America?


yes I think the way it was handled, and mistreatment of the Indians was wrong.. it wasn't even America yet.
.home to most of these people was Boston and Most of the Eastern states,
parts of the South..people fleeing other countries to find a more free way of living..and for Gold! land!
we cheated the Indians,,they fought for their home..
yes Progress!!


Yes I tend to agree it was wrong, but what's done is done, we can't change what our forefathers did many years ago. If it wasn't us it would have been someone else, the Indians were sitting ducks just waiting for someone to take over. Whatever, its one of the many unpleasant realities of life, killings, mistreatment's, hunger, poverty, slaughterhouses for meat, wars, and many other ugly things in the world, its disgusting.

Candy Cottingham

Candy Cottingham
Interesting to note that the Red Indians helped the first settlers when they arrived.
They would not have survived if they had not.

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