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1A poll Empty A poll Thu Feb 03, 2011 12:31 am


Do you think the pugs(republicans) will do better?

2A poll Empty Re: A poll Thu Feb 03, 2011 12:32 pm


What a wonderful Poll.. lol

No I don't. I don't think republicans care about anything but protecting there money. Period.

3A poll Empty Re: A poll Thu Feb 03, 2011 3:44 pm

rosco 357

rosco 357
i dont know they did much better in 2010 , in 2012 it depends on economic factors, cant tell yet,

4A poll Empty Re: A poll Thu Feb 03, 2011 4:57 pm


I MEANT Rosco THOSE ALREADY ELECTED ALL THEY ARE DOING IS TRYING REPEAL EVERYTHING Obama has accomplished, I wasn't polling about 2012 election, if they keep doing nothing that is good because Obama's ratings are going up!!the hell noers are going down!! LOL

5A poll Empty Re: A poll Fri Feb 04, 2011 4:21 pm

rosco 357

rosco 357
yes they made it clear , one goal is to dismatle the healthcare that was passed, it will stall in the senate, but there may be ways to not fund the programs, but i am not up to speed on it, but yes, if u remember many town meeting the ppl were against the healthcare, this is now their congressman, many got elected from these districts, u know im for the healthcare, i only wish it would take effect sooner, but yep their goal is to make obama look bad, but many i think actually do feel spending it out of control and are trying to cut back on that, we shall see, i said from the start, many ppl think gridlock is a good thing since money is not being spent..take care

6A poll Empty Re: A poll Fri Feb 04, 2011 4:34 pm


If Obamas Healthcare plan is dismantled I will lose all faith in this county to do the right thing. It will clearly speak volumes that the money people in power call the shots, not the general voting public. I really feel this country is spiraling out of control. No one can make anything happen. Complete and utter gridlock. What a mess.

This is not a free country at all as some people would like to think it is. The voters don't matter, only the people with lots of money and power say what happens and what doesn't. Sad but true. We will never have a healthcare plan like Obama wants, because it will get shot down, like always. Power people in this country won't have it.

7A poll Empty Re: A poll Fri Feb 04, 2011 5:23 pm


Very True Tyler. the Koch Brothers control this country, 1% wealth controls 99 percent of the middle class and the poor//sad figures isn't it!!

Rosco, 68% do not want the health care repealed i don't know where you theory that the people voted pugs because of the health reform came from. they voted in the tpugs because the economy was bad now it is do and upswing the pugs want to take credit for it, the pug are a pitiful bunch of scumbags~ and most America thinks so

8A poll Empty Re: A poll Fri Feb 04, 2011 5:57 pm

rosco 357

rosco 357
well i will not argue percentages of what ppl want, i have not seen that number or even close to it anywhere, and when it passed i thought the polls were not for it, many congressmen lost voting for it. but this usually happens in midterms, we shall see.. take care

"the pug are a pitiful bunch of scumbags~" and most America thinks so". if that is true why do so may get elected, like mitch, and both of mine, but as i have said its very conservative here, ppl dont trust the government here to run anything, the republicans push that everywhere, some one must like the way they govern, its only a very small few dems in the senate that keeps it from being republican controlled, im on ur side, i just think more ppl like the republicans than u think, as i have said many times Kentucky keep voting them in as does my state, and most southern states,

9A poll Empty Re: A poll Fri Feb 04, 2011 11:08 pm


I have one answer to the same repugs being voted in, are the people who don't want change and are Stoopid~ sorry that is my thoughts on the subject,I know I live in a state that wouldn't vote for a dem just because they are southern,to me that is a sad note. I know one thing the pugs are not on the side of the people, go back through history, what HAVE THEY EVER DONE TO PROMOTE THE WELFARE OF THE MIDDLE Class, and the poor? one person, and that was more than 200 hundred years GO~ A Great President Abraham Lincoln, the pugs now days need to read, and learn ,take lessons from that great president..

10A poll Empty Re: A poll Fri Feb 04, 2011 11:33 pm


I posted this before but I think its worth posting again. This is not my words or writing, it is from a friend of mine that is no longer with us.

“If you didn’t have the (medical) coverage you have, you’d be dead.” I’ve been told that – in those exact words. I’ve been told that had I not the wherewithal to pay for my treatments, they would have let me die.

That, boys and girls, is the way it is today. Were you aware of that? Tell me that you think it’s right.

There are any number of reasons for this “blog” – some more obvious than others – but one is so that you might begin to think about and understand what it is that you will one day face – growing old and being in poor health. Few have been able to articulate it.

The quote above is true – it is outrageous, it is wrong, and not the way it should be – but it is a fact. Kid yourself all you want to about living in the greatest country on the face of the earth, but the reality is that you live in a nation that allows it’s least able to die for the lack of adequate health care – for the lack of the ability to pay ever increasing health care costs.

You must understand that this is a subject near and dear to my heart – frankly, it dominates my life now – but the day will come when you will have to face these issues for yourself. The powers that be, in conjunction with their friends in the highest offices in government, are frantically working to leave you out to fend for yourself when it comes to health care.

Every other industrialized nation – every other industrialized nation – provides better universal care than does this nation. Yet you are told that we cannot provide coverage and compete in the market place. Why not? They can.

The answer is to be found in our priorities. We are a nation that believes in disproportionately favoring one class over another – that favors rewarding one class even at the cost of allowing the least among us to die needlessly. No one wants to hear that, no one wants to believe that, but every now and then someone slips and says: “If you didn’t have the (medical) coverage you have, you’d be dead.”

So tell me, what are you going to do about it? Anything? Or are you just going to cross your fingers and hope that you end up as “lucky” as I have?

11A poll Empty Re: A poll Sat Feb 05, 2011 1:23 am

rosco 357

rosco 357
i have never understood why the United States does not follow other industrialized nations in healthcare, like i have said before, mostly what i hear from ppl is they dont trust the government to run things, i have argued the government runs medicare cheeper in admim. cost than say blue cross runs its company. but the ppl im telling dont believe me, i wish we had insurance like other countries but i dont think we will see it. as i have said numerous times im scared, im one lay off away from no insurance. the only answer i can think of is the ppl that work are satisfied with the insurance they have. they dont realize it could be taken away, and government insurance is there to depend on no matter what, it all baffles me.
u know the republicans sell there thing by making ppl scared of the government, and it seems to work, is all i can see,take care

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