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Desperate For a Win, Michelle Dives Into The Arena, Proves She’s Just as Political as Her Husband
By Caroline Schaeffer

The First Lady is jumping into the political arena following the recent announcement that congressional Republicans are taking another look at her school lunch program. Michelle Obama is taking issue with a GOP bill which would allow schools to opt out of the program if their food services were operating at a net loss.

Though Obama’s lunch program offers food with higher nutritional value, the mandates have proven too costly for schools across the country, and what’s more, students aren’t happy with the options.

Via the AP:

An agriculture spending bill approved by a House subcommittee last week would allow schools to waive the standards if they have a net loss on school food programs for a six-month period. Rep. Robert Aderholt, R-Ala., who wrote the bill, said he was responding to requests from school food directors.

Since implementation, the Agriculture Department has tweaked the rules in response to schools’ concerns. The School Nutrition Association has lobbied for changes to the standards.

Regardless of the expressed concerns, Michelle is driving forward with her standards, with the backing of the National Parent Teacher Association. The First Lady will be hosting an event at the White House in an effort to highlight the program’s success.

Somewhere along the way, the White House took up the idea that to compromise is to lose. The Republican bill is a compromise; it’s an attempt to fix the problems that schools across America have vocalized. But the Obamas aren’t happy unless they have a total win – regardless of how effective it actually is.


aren't all our politicians, Political!  Desperate For a Win, Michelle Dives Into The Arena, Proves She’s Just as Political as Her Husband 729264 So our kids who need it, shouldn't be fed as well as republicans? some of these articles are totally ridiclous, I guess nutrious lunches, are  less imporant than war, wonder what Republicns kids eat at lunch?yes a total win for Children is i most important.

Last edited by gypsy on Tue May 27, 2014 11:11 pm; edited 1 time in total


Missed the whole point Gyp, the new school lunches are plain and simple NASTY, the kids aren;t eating them, I have seen this first hand with my granddaughter, she will either not eat or we take something to school for her, it looks like a parade of parents at lunch and the fact 700+ kids are sent to lunch at the same time doesn't help with 30 minutes to eat. Many of these kids qualify for free or reduced lunch and breakfast and chances are many only get what the school fixes and no evening meal at home, and for the food to be so ungodly bland and not filling is a shame, no seconds allowed the lunches are served by weight portions, so a 60 lb kid is given the same amount of food as a 200 lb football player and they would rather go hungry, it is breaking the hearts of the lunch ladies who at the end of the day throw away buckets of food.


your post said they were nutrious, so which is it SSC? where does it say they are nasty? really now, so parents are catering to the kids that refuse to eat healthy foods? I beg to differ,I ate lunch with my Grandson a few weeks ago.,it was nutrious and good. lots of fruit offered.I know of no lunch school program serving seconds .  I have helped in lunch rooms at school this article is false.  plus different grades eat at separet time than high school


My post says Michelle has stuck her nose into the school lunches and I am saying it is nasty, kids can't live on fruit, many won't eat wheat bread, but they are being forced to bend over to please Michelle's pet project, the article states there are problems with the lunch mandate and obviously schools are losing money, each kid has a school ID number this is used at lunch to identify how many are eating, if the numbers drop then first the school board looks into it, then the state steps in and since the was a federal order to change the whole lunch program the kids are screwed, even coke machines have been removed, no snack machines only water is sold.


you saying had nothing to do with the article. the post said the lunches were nutrional, so the republicans want to cut them for why? it cost to much? oh but these kids grow up.then Republicans forget them well they forget them once they are born. it is the control of women they are interested in like the woman reprodutive organs,and women created equal.with equal pay. yes there are snack machines but not unhealthy sodas and candies. come on SSC your so nutrional wise in your recipe posts. your not fooling anyone, why do you post this hyprocritical garbage?Milk and nutrional snack are provided.


Maybe in your little town, but in the school my gbaby goes to it is only 9-12 grade and all 700 + are sent to lunch at the same time, saying Republicans are forgetting about children is really a sad statement, one I hope you are only saying to provoke me. No political party is forgetting about the children, but to force an agenda on children is a cheap shot, parents here have fought this new so called nutrition program, it is more another of the federal gov. infringing, the meals were always good wholesome food and kids used to love them but as everything else the gov. interjects themselves into it is now a disaster at the kids expense.


if Republicans cut school lunches like snap for kids they are a sad bunch,everyarticle you read and tv about republicans is a care nothing attitude about poor or childrenn ,no SSC I never provoke you, I speak facts it is everywhere, why do you think Republicans have such a low rating9% especially Congress Republicans, they have done nothing to help this country in a long while all they can do is shut down the gov,spend millions repealing AFC and now another Scandal that has no merit against Obama/ they are as much to blame as anyone. I  believe there was neglect on both sides, it started long befor Obama became President, it would be nice if Congress worked to correct this, and take the blame also. Hate for our President does not correct anything. what do u call wholseome pizza, chicken nuggets, beenieweenies.and such?



Public School Kids Rail Against Michelle Obama’s ‘Healthy Lunches,’ While HER Kids Feast on Meatball Subs And Ice Cream
By Top Right News on May 28, 2014

by Gina Cassini | Top Right News

Students in public schools across America are in full revolt against the revolting lunches that un-elected First Lady Michelle Obama has imposed upon them over the past 2 years.

Disgruntled kids across the nation voiced their displeasure over Lady Michelle’s school lunch program from the beginning. Now thousands of students have taken to Twitter to express their frustration. Many have used #ThanksMichelle to tweet photos of their daily choices.

By contrast, Michelle’s daughters’ school lunch is….well, something a bit different.

At their elite Sidwell Friends School in Washington, D.C., where the Obamas send their children, serves school lunches designed by chefs. This week, for example, they might enjoy meatball subs, BBQ wings and ice cream, in addition to chicken curry, deviled egg salad and the “Chef’s Choice.” Other options on the exclusive menu include:

Crusted tilapia
Herb roasted chicken
Pesto cream & garden-fresh marinara sauce
Roasted edamame & Shitake mushrooms
BBQ sliders
Pesto pasta
All-natural rosemary chicken
All-natural beef nachos
Baked three-cheese lasagna
Pepperoni flatbread pizza


How divine! Of course if you are a poor Black family living in Washington, D.C., your kids who attend its disastrous schools have no chance of ever eating such fare, since Barack Obama killed the district’s school voucher program back in 2009, in one of his first acts as President.


This is hilarious SSC and you believe this? at my grandson school whenI ate we had baked chicken mashed potatoes, green beans,rolls  salad  .if one wanted it, cherry pie for dessert, tea or milk.

on tv tonight I watched NBC and it showed lunch programs from several states, it was nothing you listed they did have spaghetti and macaroni listed on a lot of these lunches. what is wrong with those food listed anyway on second thought,I have seen you post here some menus like this. Obama didn't kill anything SSC your republicans did, they cut funding. these schools of poor Blacks?? and your blaming Obama? do the study Republicans the villan again.


They must have prepared a special meal for adults to eat, mashed potatoes are no longer allowed only sweet potatoes, only wheat bread, or buns or wheat taco shells, fried chicken gone, broiled chicken with no salt seasoning, they do have pizza but with a wheat crust and it is 1 small square 1% milk, tea is unhealthy so not allowed, either milk or water, a salad bar of lettuce, tomato, and shredded carrots only dressing is oil and vinegar no other choices, 1 cookie for dessert, peanut butter nor peanuts are not allowed on campus , baked chips only no fried chips of any type allowed on campus even in lunches brought from home. These are all in the nutrition mandate.


haha your so lost SSC,you say these things but can't back it up.. we all had the same meal. mashed potatoes are good for you, of course like everything else in Moderation. you even have potatoes on your menus at times, LOL sound healty and nutritious how many children are obese? in America Tea in the south is not allowed :rotflslap:  and it has been stated that tea is good for you in moderattion


Do you really feel it is the governments place to dictate what children are allowed to eat and for Michelle to interject herself into school lunches, she needs to stick to reading programs, nutrition is not her speciality.


I think in school lunches and candy bars available and soft drinks shoud not be in school, it keep children from eating healthy lunches, i think it is sadder for republicans to cut funding for School lunches and programs your still grasping SSC


I do believe it was a bipartisan program and no tea is not healthy for children to much caffeine same as coke and Mt Dew not to mention all the sugar, and in children or adults with diabetes potatoes are a huge no-no surely you know they are loaded with starch which turns to sugar.


On February 7, President Obama signed the Agriculture Act of 2014 (H.R. 2642, the 2014 Farm Bill) into law. The bill includes $8.6 billion in cuts to SNAP


And soft drinks an candy are good for kids? your contradicting yourself SSC. I have checked on lunches served and all offered tea.


not in Louisiana


then why should schools provide them that is what the topic was about Gov/Michelle intervening in School lunches you said they shouldn't and why take away these snacks, i sid good and replaced them with mil and healthy snacks.


[quote="SSC"]I do believe it was a bipartisan program and no tea is not healthy for children to much caffeine same as coke and Mt Dew not to mention all the sugar, and in children or adults with diabetes potatoes are a huge no-no surely you know they are loaded with starch which turns to sugar.
 [/quote here is a link that may shed a bit more light as to why there were cuts

llllllllllllllLOL you stated in one of your posts that candy and soft drinks were removed from schools snack program then you disagreed with that move, Mashed potatoes are nutrional if not consumed in mass meals, Tea also has been proven good for one, in small quantities, tell them to use no caffeine type tea. or healthy teas like ginger tea// green tea.



SSC wrote:On February 7, President Obama signed the Agriculture Act of 2014 (H.R. 2642, the 2014 Farm Bill) into law. The bill includes $8.6 billion in cuts to SNAP
another good read on SNAP


I explained once the drink options are water or 1% milk only in our school system, no snacks are allowed unless it is under a Drs order for diabetics or other medical conditions. Off campus food is allowed if it is checked in through the front office and children are allowed to bring food from home but no type of fried chips, baked are only allowed and the food will be seized if it doesn't met certain requirements. Even Gatorade has been removed due to high sodium and sugar content.


That is a good policy.let the parents feed junk at home if they want, but is no place for school lunches.



Michelle Obama: Any Changes to My School Lunch Menu Are ‘Unacceptable’
By Top Right News on May 28, 2014 in 2016,

by Gina Cassini | Top Right News
First Lady Michelle Obama threatened Republicans in Congress who want to allow local school districts to opt out of federal regulations on school lunches that she created.

“This is unacceptable,” she said during a roundtable discussion of the issue. “It’s unacceptable to me not just as First Lady but also as a mother.”

But it is apparently perfectly acceptable to Michelle “as a mother” that her own daughters are eating meatball subs and ice cream at for lunch at their elite private school Sidwell Friends, as we reported yesterday.

The strict lunch rules Michelle is demanding must remain for other people’s children, passed in 2010, strictly limit the amount of fat, calories, sugar, and sodium served in school meals.

The rules have been a disaster across America, with students disgusted by the inedible items on “Michelle’s Menu,” many simply not eating or buying unhealthy vending machine snacks to satisfy their hunger.

This week, thousands of students took to Twitter to rebel against Mrs. Obama’s restrictive edict, posting photos of their horrid “meals”.

House Republicans are supporting a measure that would allow some school districts to opt out of the standards — if they can prove that it is affecting their school budgets.

The First Lady pointed out that since the regulations, kids in the United States were eating more fruits and vegetables.

“The last thing we can afford to do right now is play politics with our kids’ health,” she added. “Now is not the time to roll back everything we have worked for.”

“The First Lady believes passionately that school lunches have to be healthier and she is prepared to wage a big political fight over this issue,” ABC News reporter Jonathan Karl explained on Good Morning America Tuesday.

The event is part of Michelle Obama’s effort to take a bigger role of public engagement on issues.

You’ll see a sustained level of engagement,” one senior administration official told The Hill.

Um, ok. Congress was actually elected. Who elected Michelle Obama to rule over our schools? I sure didn’t.


"One useless man is a disgrace. Two are called a law firm. And three or more become a Congress." -- John Adams, in "1776"

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