Daily Thought
One day the devil decided to go out of business, so he invited a cast of the world’s most evil characters to a special yard sale. The tools he was selling included hate, envy, jealousy, greed, betrayal, deceit, vengeance and malice. In the center of the display was a well-worn, wedge-shaped tool that looked like it had been used much more than the other tools.
“What’s that thing in the middle?” one character asked.
“That’s discouragement,“ the devil=2 0answered.
“And why is it priced so much higher than the rest of your tools?”
“Because,” the devil answered, “with that tool I can pry open and get inside a person’s mind that I couldn’t get near with any of my other tools. Once discouragement takes over, I can let all the other tools do their work.
-Author Unknown